Chapter 1- The Mission

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Chapter 1- The Mission

(5 BBY, Coruscant)

A squad of stormtroopers march down the street, rifles in hand, marching in perfect unison. Its yet another normal night on Coruscant.

The squad turns around a corner and continues on its patrol. But, as they march on, a figure suddenly drops to the ground.

Slowly, the figure stands, revealing itself to be a man wearing a suit of green Mandalorian armor. A pair of blaster pistols sit at his waist in their holsters, and a rifle is slung on his back. A large fighting knife is also at his waist. Other weapons and gear are visible on his belt or other places on his armor.

His name is Jakan Shan. A descendant of Revan and Bastilla Shan. And a member of the Alliance of Free Mandalorians. Otherwise known as the Light Mandalorians. And he is on a mission.

Jakan turns to look behind him, making sure the stormtroopers are gone. Then, he turns back to face forward and races down the street towards his real target. The Imperial Palace.

As he reaches the end of the street, Jakan takes cover behind several garbage bins, watching the palace. Guards are marching around it, in groups ranging from 4 to 10. He watches them for a moment, trying to sense a pattern in the patrols that he can exploit.

He eyes the palace. He can remember days of the past. When he was but a boy, and he only saw pictures of it. At that time, this was the Jedi Temple. Now, it has been corrupted and turned into the opposite of everything it used to be. Just like the Republic.

Jakan eyes the eastern wing of the palace. Where the Emperor's Treasury is located. And his true target. The legendary Darksaber.

The Emperor had taken the Darksaber from Darth Maul when he defeated his former apprentice on Mandalore. Although Maul later escaped, the Darksaber remained in the Emperor's possession. After he formed the Empire and took over the Temple as his palace, he placed the Darksaber in his Treasury.

The Light Mandalorians had been struggling in their efforts against the Empire lately. So, their leaders had decided to strike a symbolic blow to the Empire. They felt reclaiming the Darksaber would fit the bill nicely. And so, Jakan, one of the greatest warriors among the Light Mandalorians, was selected for the mission. He had trained and researched for this mission for several months, while waiting for the opportune moment. And finally, when the Emperor had left Coruscant for a brief trip just a few days ago, Jakan had finally put his plan into play.

Jakan watches intently, waiting for his chance. Then, he sees it. An unusually large gap in between patrols. He seizes his chance, and races forward, using the gap between patrols to get close to the palace without being spotted. He ducks behind a pillar, letting another patrol pass, then steps out from behind the pillar. He activates his jetpack and soars into the air, landing on the outside of the Palace beside a small opening.

Jakan ducks his head as he enters the opening. It's a small maintenance hatch leading into the palace. After a few yards, the hatch opens into a main hall, up on the ceiling, among the lights and rafters.

Jakan lifts his wrist up and presses a button. A hologram of the layout of the palace is projected from a projector on his wrist. He slowly pinpoints his location, and from there, the best path to the Treasury.

Jakan makes his way across the maintenance pathways across the ceiling, heading towards the Treasury. To his delight, the pathways lead all the way to the entrance to the Treasury.

When he reaches the entrance to the Treasury, he realises there aren't any access points besides the main door. He has to go down to the ground. And four stormtroopers are guarding the entrance.

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