Chapter 2- Rivendell

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Chapter 2- Rivendell

Jakan groans as he feels consciousness slowly returning to him. It takes him a few more minutes before he is able to open his eyes.

The instant flood of light forces him to closer his eyes almost immediately. As he holds them shut, not sure whether or not to open them again, he realizes something. He's not wearing his armor anymore.

Slowly he opens his eyes. After a second to gather his bearings, and realizing he's looking straight up at the ceiling, Jakan slowly sits up.

He slowly looks around, taking in his surroundings. The room he's in is very...tranquil is the best word he can think off. The walls are crafted of fine wood and stone, with many intricate patterns carved into them. Several potted plants line the walls of the room. And the room is full of light, all coming in from the outside, as it is quickly clear to Jakan that there are no artificial lights in this room. The Mandalorian quickly concludes that either he's being kept in the house of someone who prefers the ways of nature, or he's landed on a planet that is far behind the rest of the galaxy in terms of advancement.

Looking down, Jakan realizes that not only is he not wearing his armor, but he's not even wearing the same clothes he usually wears under his armor for comfort. Rather, he's wearing a rather plain tan tunic and trousers. Jakan feels slightly disturbed at the thought of somebody else dressing him in these new clothes, but also feels rather grateful for these clothes that are far softer and more comfortable than anything he has ever worn.

Jakan slowly slides his legs over the side of the bed and stands up. Taking a moment to steady himself, he takes another look around the room, and starts to feel a slight sense of alarm as he realizes that none of his things are in the room. He feels worried about losing his armor, and more importantly, the Darksaber.

Suddenly, he senses that he's not alone. Jakan whips around towards the door, ready for a fight.

Standing in the doorway is a tall man with long dark hair, and wearing a purple robe. His forehead is ringed with a silver diadem. Not only that, but his ears are pointed!

As Jakan examines this new arrival, he senses an incredible feeling of...light from this man. Of perfect tranquility and great wisdom.

Wanting to know more about what's going on, Jakan eases his posture and cautiously asks, "Who are you?"

The man looks at him before giving a slight smile. "My name is Lindir. I am the steward of Rivendell," he says rather formally.

"The who of the wherenow?" Jakan asks, only really having understood that the man's name is Lindir.

Lindir looks a little confused. "Surely you have heard of Rivendell?" he asks.

Jakan shakes his head. "Never heard of it," he says.

Lindir looks intrigued. "Indeed? I thought that the tales of this place had spread across Middle-Earth. Where do you hail from?" he asks.

Jakan is growing more confused by the moment. Deciding to ignore the statement about "Middle Earth" for now, he still holds out hope that this man knows about the wider galaxy. So, he straightens up, and with pride in his voice, he answers, "I come from Mandalore. My name is Jakan. I am one of the Light Mandalorians."

His hopes that this Lindir knows of the wider galaxy are quickly dashed as Lindir looks intrigued and responds, "Mandalore? I have never heard of it. Is it beyond the sea?"

Jakan wants to sigh, but is able to stop himself. His fear has been realized. He's crashed on a world that is completely isolated from the rest of the galaxy. Perhaps even somewhere in the Unknown Regions.

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