Chapter 22- Call for Help

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Chapter 22- Call For Help

Jakan looks out over Minas Tirith and the surrounding fields from his position on a balcony on the outside of the Citadel. The height gives him view of a great swathe of land, though it's hard to make out some of the features of city;s surroundings at nighttime, despite the full moon.

It's been less than a day since their arrival in Gondor. Following the meeting with Denethor, they had made their way to their quarters, escorted by some guards showing them the way. Boromir had not come with them, as he was still with his father. He had come to see them after he got out of his meeting with his father. He gave them a summary of their meeting before he had to leave to discuss matters with the other army officers in Minas Tirith.

Needless to say, Boromir's private meeting his father had not gone terribly well. He had been very angry that Boromir had not brought back the Ring. Boromir had managed to keep Denethor unaware by telling him that the ringbearer had gone off on his own, and he had no idea of the Ring's current location. Denethor had been furious with Boromir and ordered him to leave his presence.

They hadn't seen Boromir since he left to speak with his officers, but he had promised to come see them first thing in the morning. He also said that when he came back to see them again, he wanted to speak with Jakan and Mirta about working with his soldiers.

Now, night has fallen. Jakan and Mirta are dressed in clothing given to them by servants in the Citadel so that they could take some time not wearing their armor. They are now standing with Gandalf and Pippin on the balcony.

Jakan and Gandalf have been speaking in regards to the Beacons of Gondor. Despite the meeting with Denethor and the Steward's insistence otherwise, it's clear that the Beacons will have to be lit. Gondor's survival depends on it. However, they are of differing opinions on how to do so. Jakan is more in favor of waiting to allow Boromir the chance to convince his father to light them. However, Gandalf believes that they must be lit immediately in order to hopefully bring Rohan to Gondor's aid as soon as possible.

"If we trust in Boromir, it will bring about a far better outcome than if we try to light them ourselves," Jakan argues.

"And if we trust only in Boromir, all of Middle Earth could come to regret that we took so long to act," Gandalf says.

Jakan sighs, knowing Gandalf does have a point. He walks up to the edge of the balcony and leans against it.

Pippin looks out over the fields surrounding Minas Tirith. After a few moments, he says, "I don't want to be in a battle. But waiting on the edge of one I can't escape is even worse." He then looks over his shoulder at Gandalf and asks, "Is there any hope, Gandalf, for Frodo and Sam?"

Gandalf leans up against the edge of the balcony himself and replies, "There never was much hope. Just a fool's hope."

He briefly looks down at Pippin with a small smile before looking back out in the direction of Mordor, his face growing grim again as he watches the light from the eruptions of Mount Doom, which seems brighter than ever.

"Our enemy is ready. His full strength's gathered. Not only orcs, but men as well. Legions of Haradrim from the south. Mercenaries from the coast. All will answer Mordor's call," Gandalf declares. He pauses for a moment, then says, "This will be the end of Gondor as we know it. Here the hammer stroke will fall hardest. If the river is taken, if the garrison at Osgiliath falls, the last defense of this city will be gone."

"But we have the White Wizard and two Mandalorians. That's got to count for something," Pippin says with optimism.

Jakan and Mirta smile a bit at Pippin's optimism. Then, they see the look on Gandalf's face, and their smiles fade away. Pippin also notices that Gandalf doesn't appear moved by his optimism, and asks, "Gandalf?"

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