Chapter 29- The End of All Things

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Chapter 29- The End of All Things

Jakan and his three fellow Mandalorians stand completely still, standing behind Aragorn as he stares out at the surrounding Orcs. The massive Orc army had completely surrounded the Army of the West, with thousands more yet to come though the Black Gate, stretching as far into Mordor as the eye can see.

Jakan is silent as he holds a blaster in one hand and the Darksaber in the other, the blade humming ever so slightly. Next to him, the other three Mandalorians are all holding their weapons at the ready, ready for the fight to begin.

As Jakan watches Aragorn, Aragorn seems to tilt his head to one side, and he starts slowly stepping towards the Black Gate, while lowering Anduril. Looking at him, it seems to Jakan that Aragorn is looking right at the Eye of Sauron. Concerned, Jakan is about to take a step after Aragorn when Aragorn slowly starts to turn back to face everyone. He looks back at all of his friends, and then focuses on Gandalf. Gandalf looks at Aragorn, then slowly raises the mithril shirt.

Aragorn looks at the shirt for a moment, then back at Gandalf and says, with a tear running down his face, "For Frodo." He then turns, raising Anduril into a ready position, and charges towards the Orc lines, cape flapping behind him.

Behind him, Merry and Pippin watch him run with determination on their faces, then shout their war cries before they begin running after him. Then, with a massive roar, the rest of the Army follows Aragorn.

Jakan firms his face and yells his war cry as he sprints after Aragorn. Behind him, his three fellow Mandalorians bellow as they charge after their leader, determined to go down fighting.

As Jakan sprints towards the Orc lines, he points his blaster in their direction and fires it with abandon. The bolts fly all around the Orcs, many hitting an Orc, most bolts killing on the first hit.

Finally, he reaches the Orc lines. Using his jetpack, he boosts himself into the air, putting his blaster away and drawing Hadhafang before coming down and slashing both the Darksaber and Hadhafang downwards, cleaving two Orcs in two.

The armies clash, the Gondorians and Rohirrim pushing against the Orcs, hacking at them with a ferocity that anyone would be proud of, determined to fight to the death for all Middle-Earth.

Jakan ducks under a blow from an Orc before driving Hadhafang through its face. Jakan then leaps over its falling corpse and cleaves a pair of Orcs in two with the Darksaber. He then raises one of his fists and sets three more Orcs on fire with one of his flamethrowers.

Beside him, Mirta leaps over the body of a fallen Gondorian and buries her sword in an Orc's brain. She then ducks under a spear thrust from another Orc before driving her sword through its heart. She then rips the spear out of the dead Orc's grip, hefts it in her free hand, and throws it through the throat of an Orc several yards away. Almost as soon as the spear leaves her hand, another Orc swings its axe at Mirta. Mirta blocks it with her vambrace before killing the Orc with a blaster shot to the underside of the chin.

A few yards away, Fel and Gar are fighting side by side. Fel is using both of his blasters, while having blades deployed from his vambraces. He rapid fires his blasters, while driving his blades into any Orc that gets within range. Beside him, Gar has stolen a spear from an Orc and is spearing any Orcs that come close, while cutting down any that get past his spear with his sword.

Jakan ducks under another blow from an Orc's sword before cleaving it in two with the Darksaber. He then spots a contingent of Easterling warriors charging right towards him.

"For Mandalore!" he shouts as he charges towards the Easterlings. He fires a series of darts from a wrist launcher, killing three Easterlings. He then fires grappling cable from his other wrist, which wraps around an Easterling. He yanks the cable towards him, and as the Easterling flies at him, he lifts the Darksaber in time for the Easterling to be impaled on it. Jakan then removes the cable and whips the Darksaber out of the Easterling's body, cutting down another Easterling.

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