Chapter 17- Battle of Helm's Deep

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Chapter 17- Battle of Helm's Deep

Silence has fallen over Helm's Deep. The gravity of the situation has fallen over the defenders. There is almost no sound within the fortress.

The arrival of the Elves had changed Theoden's battle plan. The Galadhrim, along with all the members of the Fellowship, had been deployed along the Deeping Wall, while the Rohirrim were being held in the Hornburg. About 150 Elves were stationed on the wall, with the rest behind the wall.

Jakan is standing with Boromir, and the two are standing next to Legolas and Gimli. The two stand in silence as they watch the army of Uruk Hai marching down the valley towards Helm's Deep.

"This is going to be a battle to remember," Jakan mutters.

"Indeed," Boromir replies, not taking his eyes off the approaching Uruk Hai.

As they stand there, Gimli, who is trying to see over the wall, groans and says gruffly to his three friends, "You could have picked a better spot." Jakan smiles slightly under his helmet.

Aragorn walks up to the four of them, standing behind Legolas. Gimli glances back at Aragorn and says, "Well, lad, whatever luck you live by, let's hope it lasts the night."

Right then, a flash of lightning illuminates the valley, exposing the true size of the army for all to see. Looking out at them, Legolas says soberly, "Your friends are with you Aragorn."

"Let's hope they last the night," Gimli adds. Aragorn smiles before walking off down the wall.

Another bolt of lightning illuminates the valley, followed by a clap of thunder. Moments later, a few raindrops begin to fall, which quickly grows into a steady rain.

The Uruk Hai march relentlessly towards the fortress. As they near the fortress, the Uruk Commander climbs up on a boulder in the valley, letting out a bellow to urge his army on.

As the Uruks approach, Aragorn walks among the Galadhrim. " A Eruchin, u-dano I faelas a hyn an uben tanatha le faelas! (Show them no mercy, for you shall receive none!)" he declares.

The Uruk Commander looks out over his army and let out a loud bellow, causing his entire army to come to a halt, with the leading ranks just a few hundred yards from the Deeping Wall.

For a little while, the two sides just stare at each other, not moving.

Gimli, still trying to see over the wall, asks, "What's happening out there?"

"Shall I describe it you? Or would you like me to find you a box?" Legolas asks in return.

Gimli looks back at Legolas, then smiles and lets out a hearty laugh.

At that moment, the Uruk Commander lets out two loud bellows. At that signal, the entire Uruk army begins slamming the ends of their massive spears against the ground, as well as roaring and banging their chests with their fists.

Jakan feels slightly impressed, knowing that they're trying to demoralize the Rohirrim. Also knowing they can't afford any loss of morale, Jakan turns to Boromir.

"Boromir. I think the Rohirrim could use a little extra morale right now," he says, gesturing to the Horn of Gondor on Boromir's hip.

Boromir glances down at the horn, then smiles. Without a word, he removes the horn from his belt and holds it up to his lips. He pauses for a moment, and thinks to himself, You are wrong, King Theoden. Gondor stands with you. And with that, he blows into the horn, letting out three loud blasts that echo through the valley.

A number of the Rohirrim cheer as they hear the horn, feeling a surge of morale.

As this is happening, one old man is struggling to hold an arrow to his bow. With his body not what it used to be, he finds himself unable to keep holding it. Without warning, his grip on the arrow relinquishes, and the arrow flies from the bow. The arrow flies down and strikes an Uruk in the upper chest.

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