Chapter 10- A Fellowship Broken

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Chapter 10- A Fellowship Broken

The sun is slowly rising over Lothlorien. The Fellowship woke from their sleep a few hours ago, and have been preparing to depart ever since.

The Galadhrim had prepared several of their small wooden boats for the Fellowship to use to make their way down the river Anduin. They had also provided them with better supplies, and with extra food rations, including their Elven bread known as Lembas.

The Galadhrim had also given each one of the members of the Fellowship one of their cloaks, which Celeborn had said would help shield them from unfriendly eyes. Jakan, wanting to honor the Galadhrim's gift, had temporarily removed his jetpack to allow the cloak to be fastened around his shoulders, and then replaced the jetpack over it.

After the Galadhrim fasten the cloaks, they step back, and Galadriel steps forward to give gifts to every member of the Fellowship. Jakan watches as she gives each member of the Fellowship their gift.

Finally, she reaches him. Jakan has his helmet tied to his belt by the straps, and he bows his head respectfully.

Galadriel reaches her hands out, in which are Jakan's two blaster pistols, which Elven attendants had asked Jakan for that morning.

"Jakan Shan, I return to you your weapons. They have been enchanted so that they will never run low on their power," Galadriel says.

Jakan's eyes widen. He takes the blasters in his hand, spins them in his hands a few times, then returns them to their holsters. He smiles at Galadriel, then bows to her. "Thank you, milady. It is much appreciated," he says.

Galadriel smiles a bit. "Your path will be laden with trials, and your skills will be tested as never before along this journey. But when your greatest trial comes, you will overcome it, and grow to be greater than near any Mandalorian has before you," she says before moving on.

Once Galadriel has finished giving her gifts to the Fellowship, the rest of the Fellowship prepares to depart. Celeborn, knowing Aragorn and Jakan had become essentially co-leaders of the Fellowship, had asked to speak to the two of them alone.

"Every league you travel south, the danger will increase. Mordor Orcs now hold the eastern shore of the Anduin. Nor will you find safety on the western bank. Strange creatures bearing the mark of the White Hand have been seen on our borders. Seldom do Orcs travel in the open, under the sun, yet these have done so," Celeborn says, turning to them with the last remark as the urgency in his tone increases. Jakan is familiar enough with Orcs by now to know that this is irregular.

Celeborn then hands Aragorn a knife, which Aragorn draws to inspect. Jakan feels a tiny bit jealous, but also realizes how many more weapons he already has.

Celeborn says something in Elvish, then says, "By river, you have the chance of outrunning the enemy to the Falls of Rauros."

Jakan nods. "We thank you for the warning, Lord Celeborn, and for your aid," he says.

Celeborn simply nods. Then, Aragorn and Jakan turn to return to the rest of the Fellowship.

All of their supplies have been loaded into the boats. The group separates across the three boats. Aragorn, Frodo, and Sam take the first boat. Boromir, Pippin, and Merry take the second. And Legolas, Gimli, and Jakan take the third.

As Legolas paddles the boat down the river after the other two, Gimli speaks up and says somewhat wistfully, "I have taken my worst wound at this parting. Henceforth, I will call nothing fair save it be her gift to me."

"What was her gift?" Legolas asks.

"I asked her for one hair from her golden head. She gave me three," Gimli says, again somewhat wistfully.

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