Chapter 31- Crowning of a New Era

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Chapter 31- Crowning of a New Era

Jakan sighs a bit as he walks out onto the balcony outside the building where Frodo has been kept while he is recovering from his ordeal in Mordor. While most of the Army of the West has been marching back to Minas Tirith and are due to arrive later today, the Great Eagles had brought the Fellowship and leaders of the army back to Minas Tirith.

As Jakan looks out over the Fields of Pelennor, some of the damage from the battle still visible, he thinks back on everything he has been through since coming to Middle Earth. He has learned things and experienced things he had never dreamed of in his life, and it has changed him. He is still Mandalorian, but now wonders if he has also become something more.

He hears footsteps behind him and turns around to see Bo-Katan walking up behind him, her helmet under her arm. She had flown back to Minas Tirith with the rest of the leaders. Since then, Jakan and the members of the fellowship have been familiarizing her with Middle Earth and the events that have occurred since Jakan arrived here. To say she was surprised was a bit of an understatement, but most of the surprise has passed now. Being in Middle Earth also seemed to have softened her usually very hard personality ever so slightly, as she has commented a few times on how nice Minas Tirith is.

"Thinking, I see," she says.

"Yes," Jakan says.

Bo-Katan steps up beside him and looks down at the Fields of Pelennor. "Too bad we didn't get here in time for this battle. Sounds like we missed a lot of fun," she says.

"Not so much as you might think," Jakan replies.

"What do you mean?" she asks.

"Since i came to Middle Earth, things have been different. I haven't fought just to fight, or to increase my honor and glory, or to protect my home. I've been fighting to preserve the freedom of this world, and it's a feeling unlike anything I've ever felt. I've been raised Mandalorian my whole life, but since coming here I have finally understood what people call the sorrow of battle. Seeing Sauron destroyed brought a relief to me you cannot understand," he says.

Bo-Katan looks at him, marvelling slightly at how much Jakan has changed since his arrival here. Jakan had always been one of the most skilled and respected warriors among the Free Mandalorians. Now, although previously she might have thought he had gone slightly soft, she now thinks that what has happened to him here in Middle-Earth has made him an even greater Mandalorian than ever.

"I always wished to be the one to finally unite our peoples and rule Mandalore. However, I now realize you are the one. You are the one meant to take the throne as Mand'alor," Bo-Katan says.

"I'm not much of a ruler," Jakan replies.

"Maybe. Maybe not. But you are one that I know Mandalorians will be proud to follow. Plus, it sounds like you have seen a lot of good examples of a good ruler here in Middle-Earth," Bo-Katan says. Jakan simply nods in response.

The two are quiet for a few moments before Bo-Katan says, "The reason I came out here to begin with is because your friend Gandalf says that the Hobbit will soon be awakening, and he thought you might want to be there for that."

Jakan finally smiles. "Thank you. Yes, I wouldn't want to miss that," he says before he turns and walks back into the building.

As he enters the building, Jakan sees the rest of the Fellowship, minus Gandalf, are standing around the door leading into the room where Frodo is. As he looks among his friends of the Fellowship, Jakan sees that Boromir looks particularly worried.

"Boromir. What troubles you?" he asks.

Boromir is silent for a few moments before he looks up at Jakan and says, "It's just...I haven't seen Frodo since I tried to take the Ring from him at Amon Hen. The last time he saw me, I was ready to kill him for the Ring. What if he hasn't forgiven me?"

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