Chapter 23- Loyalty

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Chapter 23- Loyalty

Jakan and Mirta walk slowly behind Boromir as he leads them onto one of the training grounds in Minas Tirith. It had been less than half an hour after Faramir and his men returned to Minas Tirith. Boromir said he had conversed with some of his other officers, and they had agreed that Jakan and Mirta should be admitted in Gondor's Army. While some had at first opposed to Mirta being included with Jakan, Boromir had argued vehemently in her defense, concluding that he believed Mirta could defeat him in combat if she wished. Eventually he had convinced them.

Boromir informed them that he wished them to accompany him to the training grounds for two purposes. The first being that he wished them to oversee how his soldiers trained and make any improvements they saw fit. Secondly, he wished to administer the oath of loyalty to Gondor in front of his soldiers, so that there would be no doubt in the mind of his soldiers as to whether Jakan and Mirta had authority to command them.

As they walk across the courtyard, Mirta speaks up. "I've noticed something Borormir. I should explain, we Mandalorians use our armor for offense as well as defense, as I'm sure you've noticed from Jakan. I think that's something your troops could learn as well. Depending on how dangerous the weapon is or the strength of the blow, your men could allow enemies to hit them, and use that momentary pause by the enemy to strike back. I also think your helmets are strong enough that employing headbutts as a combat tactic could be effective against Orcs, as from what I understand, Orcs' helmets are not particularly well made all the time, and some Orcs don't even wear helmets."

"That is indeed a good idea, Mirta. I will have you work with some of my men on figuring out the best way to implement your ideas. But first, I have a more important task to accomplish," Boromir says. He then looks around the training ground and calls out loudly, "Captains! Assemble your men!"

The captains overseeing the training exercises hurriedly gather their men around Boromir. Once everyone has gathered around Boromir, he loudly begins to speak, "Men, this is Jakan Shan and Mirta Vizsla of the land of Mandalore. They have come to aid us in our fight against Mordor. For that reason, they have volunteered to join the army of Gondor! I invite all of you to witness as they now swear their oath of service to Gondor."

Boromir now turns to Jakan and Mirta. "Jakan Shan and Mirta Vizsla, all who enter into the service of Gondor are required to swear an oath of service prior to their service. When I finish, if you agree, simply reply with 'I swear'. Do you understand?" he asks.

The two of them nod. Boromir, now speaking more formally, says, "Do you, Jakan Shan and Mirta Vizsla, hereby swear fealty and service to Gondor? Do you swear you will always faithfully execute your duties? To speak and to be silent? To do and to let be? To come and go? To fight always for this country? And that you will execute these duties in need or in plenty, in peace or war, in living or dying? And in front of all these witnesses, do you swear to hold to this oath until lord releases you or death take you?"

"I swear!" both Jakan and Mirta say together firmly.

Boromir smiles at them both as he says, "Then, as is my right as Captain-General, I accept your oath, and hereby commission you both in the Army of Gondor with the rank of Condir."

Jakan and Mirta glance sideways at each other. From previous discussions with Boromir about Gondor's army, they know they have been commissioned at a rank just below General. Both of them smile back at Boromir, recognizing full well the amount of trust he has just shown that he has in them.

Jakan steps forward and takes Boromir's hand. "We will not let you down, Boromir," he says.

Boromir grins broadly at Jakan. "I know you won't, Jakan," he says.

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