Chapter 6- Into Moria

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Chapter 6- Into Moria

Jakan groans to himself as he forges ahead through the snow. The Fellowship has been climbing down from Caradhras for hours. At last, they're almost out of the snow.

"Ugh. I can't wait to be off this mountain," he says to nobody in particular.

"Not a fan of the cold?" Boromir asks as he comes up beside Jakan.

"No, not at all," Jakan says.

Boromir chuckles a little bit. Jakan looks at him. He still feels concerned for Boromir after the incident on the slope just hours before. He's been worried about the effect that the ring is having on the man he's started to become friends with.

Finally, he decides to just bring it up with Boromir. He looks right at Boromir and asks, "Are you okay, Boromir? You seem a little...distracted."

Boromir looks at Jakan, then turns away. "I am fine," he says dismissively.

"Hmm. That's a little weird. Because I have these things called eyes. And thanks to them, I think you're not fine," Jakan responds.

Boromir looks at him sharply. "I am fine," he says a little harshly. His expression then softens before he continues, "I am simply...worried for my homeland. I fear they cannot stand much longer, and that they cannot last as well without me there to lead them in this time of war."

Jakan slowly nods. "I understand that. I have felt the same thing. But you can't let that discourage you, Boromir. You need to stay strong," he says firmly. Boromir nods in return, Jakan's words providing some reassurance to the Gondorian.

(Hours later)

Jakan grunts a little bit as he leaps up on top of boulder, examining the surrounding terrain. The Fellowship had finished the descent from Caradhras some time ago, and are now heading across the rocky landscape near the entrance to Moria.

"How much further?" Jakan calls out as he leaps back down from the boulder.

"Not much further," Gandalf responds.

Sure enough, only moments later, Gimli gasps and says, "The Walls of Moria."

Jakan looks up ahead, and sees a sharp cliff wall up ahead. He grins a little bit.

The Fellowship makes their way to the entrance of Moria. It's not until after sunset that the Fellowship finally gets to where the doors are.

"Where are the doors?" Jakan asks Gandalf.

"Well, my friend. The thing about dwarf doors are that they are invisible when closed. Their own masters cannot find them if their secrets are forgotten," Gandalf explains to Jakan.

"Why does this not surprise me?" Legolas asks rhetorically, earning a disgruntled growl from Gimli.

Gandalf leads them along the cliff face until he stops in a certain spot. Jakan is close enough to hear Gandalf whisper, "Ithildin. It mirrors only starlight and moonlight." He runs his hand over the stone before looking up to the sky, right as the moon comes out from behind some clouds.

Jakan looks at the cliff face as the moonlight shines down on it. As it does, glowing white lines spread across the stone, revealing the outline of large doors, and elegant runes. Jakan examines it, but doesn't recognize the runes.

"Are these Dwarvish runes?" he asks.

"They are Elvish, actually, Jakan. They read, 'The Doors of Durin, Lord of Moria. Speak friend, and enter,'" Gandalf responds.

"What does that mean?" Merry asks curiously.

"Well, it is quite simple. If you are a friend, then you speak the password, and the doors will open," Gandalf says cheerfully. He then sets the end of his staff against the doors and loudly says several Elvish words. Jakan waits for the doors open. But they don't.

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