Chapter 15- Wolves of Isengard

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Chapter 15- Wolves of Isengard

The column of refugees from Edoras stretches for more than a mile over the plains of Rohan as it makes its way towards Helm's Deep. It's been two days since they departed Edoras, and they have just a day left in their travels.

Jakan is riding Lodreng next to Theoden. Hama is on Theoden's other side, with Boromir on Hama's other side. Theoden and Boromir had had a lengthy discussion between them about Gondor's current situation, as well as the situation they would find at Helm's Deep and how they would conduct the battle to come.

However, for the past little while, Theoden has turned his attention to Jakan, asking Jakan about his armor and where he comes from. Jakan has by now summarized the history of the Mandalorians to Theoden, as well as the Clone Wars and the rise of the Empire.

"To think that life exists in the great beyond, and on such a scale," Theoden says as he stares off into the sky. Then, he looks back at Jakan and says, "No matter the questionable parts of your people's history, Rohan is lucky to have a warrior of your capabilities aiding us."

"It is my honor to be here, King Theoden. I will do all I can to safeguard your people," Jakan says respectfully. Theoden inclines his head slightly in thanks

At that moment, there is a disturbance up ahead. Theoden and Jakan look ahead to see the horse Gimli is riding suddenly break into a canter. Seemingly, Gimli had unintentionally spurred the horse forward. Gimli is caught off guard by the sudden change in pace of his steed. Unable to keep himself on, he unceremoniously tumbles off the horse, to several exclamations from surrounding people. Eowyn, who had been walking beside Gimli, hurries forward to help him up.

Jakan laughs to himself as Theoden rides ahead and alongside Aragorn, who is also chuckling at the sight. As Jakan watches, he sees Eowyn look back, seemingly staring at Aragorn.

(the next morning)

It's somewhat overcast as Jakan rides over slightly more rocky ground. They're now only hours away from Helm's Deep.

Jakan had volunteered to ride ahead of the main column with Gamling and Hama to scout ahead. He had begun a conversation with the two leaders of the Royal Guard, sharing some stories of their past adventures and battles, with Jakan trying to explain his stories in terms the two Rohirrim could understand.

As they ride alongside a massive outcropping of rock, Hama's horse suddenly stops, shifting and whinnying nervously.

"What is it? Hama?" Gamling asks.

"I'm not sure," Hama says.

As Hama, Gamling, and Jakan scan their surroundings, they suddenly hear a loud growling from above them, and look up to see a warg, with an orc on its back, leaping down at them. Before any of them can react, the warg knocks Hama off his horse, and knocking the horse over.

The warg turns back to Hama, ready to attack him. Immediately, Jakan whips his blaster rifle off his back, aims, and fires. The bolt hits the warg in the side of its head, killing the beast. Jakan then dispatches the orc with another shot.

Hama breathes heavily for a few moments before turning to Jakan and saying, "My thanks, Jakan Shan."

"What the h*** is this thing?" he asks, gesturing with his blaster rifle towards the warg.

"A warg. A wolf like creature often ridden by Orcs," Gamling says.

Jakan glances around for any more, and sees Aragorn and Legolas at the top of a ridge behind them. "A scout!" he shouts, knowing what the warg and its rider were doing.

Aragorn rushes back to the column, while Legolas hurries to Jakan, who moves towards a ridge up ahead. Hama gets back on his horse, and he and Gamling wait for Theoden and the other riders.

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