Chapter 21- Minas Tirith

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Chapter 21- Minas Tirith

Jakan re-situates himself a bit in the saddle as Lodreng continues to gallop across the plains of Gondor. They had passed into Gondor early that morning. The journey had taken a day longer than Gandalf predicted, as they needed to stop periodically to let the other horses rest. Had it just been Gandalf and Pippin riding on Shadowfax, then they could've made it in three days. However, not every horse had Shadowfax' endurance.

It's been a tiring journey. It's been tiring to be riding horses nonstop for so long. Even though he loves the feeling of riding horses, he's eager to finally get to Minas Tirith.

Finally, Shadowfax reaches the top of a ridge up ahead, and Gandalf reigns him in. Boromir, Jakan, and Mirta ride up beside him, reigning in their horses beside him as a city comes into view up ahead.

"Minas Tirith. City of kings," Gandalf introduces the city.

Jakan stares at the city, taking in the sight before him. Minas Tirith was built against the mountains. It was circular in shape, with seven levels reaching into the mountain behind the city. The lowest level, looking to be almost a mile in diameter, was surrounded by a massive stone wall. Not only that, but a massive spur of rock jutted out through the middle of the city, with the top of it being level with the city's highest level. On that highest level was The Citadel, including a large tower that Boromir had described as the Tower of Ecthelion. And Boromir's description of Minas Tirith as "the White City" was no exaggeration. All of the stone that made up the city was white.

"Wow. You weren't exaggerating, Boromir. Minas Tirith is sure an impressive sight," Jakan says.

Boromir smiles proudly. "I am glad to hear that you think so," he says as he looks at his friend. He then faces Minas Tirith again and says, "Come my friends. I have waited long to come home. I do not intend to wait much longer."

Everyone spurs their horses, and they gallop across the Fields of Pelennor towards Minas Tirith. As they approach the city, Jakan begins to appreciate just how big Minas Tirith truly is. He also begins to realize just how fortified the city is. The wall is so tall and thick it would be very difficult to breach, and the Great Gate looks nearly impenetrable. Not only that, but multiple defensive weapons such as trebuchets dotting the city.

As they approach the gate, sentries in the Gatehouse are watching them. As they get close enough for the sentries to make out faces, shock begins to ripple through their ranks. Their Captain General and Son of the Steward, Lord Boromir, has returned! They immediately order that the Great Gate be opened.

As they enter the Great Gate, they are immediately met by a man in armor and a cloak signifying him as someone of higher rank.

"Hirgon!" Boromir says in greeting.

"Welcome home, Lord Boromir!" Hirgon says in greeting.

"I must see my father immediately," Boromir says.

"Of course, Lord Boromir. He is in the Tower. He will be most anxious to see you. It has been so long since we received word of you," Hirgon says.

"Thank you, Hirgon. I am sure we will speak again soon," Boromir says. He then spurs his horse on, and the others follow him, riding their horses up the streets of Minas Tirith towards the Tower of Ecthelion.

A few minutes later, they ride up into the courtyard outside the tower. Once they're all in the courtyard, they reign in their horses and dismount.

Boromir leads them towards the tower. As they go, they see a tree up ahead. The tree is white, and completely bare of leaves. Surrounding it are four guards, wearing cloaks and elaborate helms, and wielding long spears.

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