Chapter 7- Drums in the Deep

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Chapter 7- Drums in the Deep

Jakan trudges along as he follows right behind Gandalf as the Fellowship treks through Moria. It's already been over a day since they entered Moria. By now, Jakan is getting rather tired of marching through the darkness, and the feeling that there is something wrong with this place has been nagging him since shortly after entering Moria.

Yet, at the same time, he finds himself impressed by Moria. It is clearly not a mine like he's used to. It seems to be a mix between a series of mines and small settlements. Not only that, but it's far beyond the size of any mine he's ever seen. Gandalf said right after entering Moria that it would take 4 days to reach the other side.

"Something about this place unnerves me," Jakan whispers to Gandalf.

"I know. Trust that feeling," Gandalf replies, which does nothing to raise Jakan's spirits.

They continue their path forward, and soon find themselves following a narrow path alongside a massive mine shaft. As they walk, Jakan looks at the walls of stone and sees veins of a silver looking material running through the rock.

"Gandalf, if I may ask, what did the dwarves mine here?" he asks.

Gandalf turns and looks at Jakan for a moment before looking down into the mine shaft. "The wealth of Moria was not in gold or jewels. But mithril," he says. He then causes the tip of his staff to glow brightly, illuminating the entire chamber.

Everyone in the Fellowship looks over the edge, and Jakan is amazed. The shaft is wider than he thought, and extends so deep into the earth that he can't see the bottom. He begins to wonder just how deep it is.

"They must have been mining here for thousands of years to have dug this so deep," he mutters to himself.

"Indeed, Jakan. Moria is the oldest Dwarven settlement in Middle-Earth," Gandalf responds.

Jakan waits for a moment before he asks, "And what exactly is mithril? I've never heard of it."

"Mithril, my Mandalorian friend, is the rarest metal in Middle-Earth. It is tougher than even dragon scales. Armor forged from mithril can withstand a blow from any weapon. And it is more valuable than anything else in this world," Gandalf replies. He pauses for a moment, then says, "Bilbo had a shirt of mithril rings that a great Dwarven king named Thorin gave him."

"Oh, that was a kingly gift!" GImli exclaims.

"Yes. I never told him, but it's worth was greater than the value of the Shire," Gandalf says. Jakan feels a little impressed that something could be worth so much.

The Fellowship presses on, feeling anxious to get out of Moria.

(Day and a half later)

Near the end of the Fellowship's third day travelling through Moria, they arrive at a crossroads, with three doors before them. Gandalf stops short at the sight. He looks between the three doors for a few moments, then says in a low voice, "I have no memory of this place."

The message is conveyed down the line, and the Fellowship settles in to wait, trying to get comfortable among the rocks while Gandalf sits on a piece of rubble and ponders, trying to recall the right path forward.

For hours, the Fellowship remains at the crossroads, trying to get in some rest while Gandalf tries to remember. Jakan is able to get a few hours of much needed sleep. However, the chill brought on by the atmosphere in Moria prevents him from sleeping for too long.

Boromir walks over and sits down beside Jakan. After a few moments, Boromir asks, "Tell me more of your homeworld, Jakan."

Jakan looks at Boromir and smiles a bit. "Mandalore was once a fertile world. Full of all manner of life. Unfortunately, my people's ancient warrior nature brought about consequences for Mandalore. The many wars against foreign enemies, and several civil wars and power struggles amongst the Mandalorians, eventually reduced Mandalore to a wasteland. There is virtually no life left on Mandalore, save in our cities. And even our cities have to be built in such a way to support life within them. It is hot and barren across Mandalore, hence my dislike of the cold and snow that you saw on Caradhras. It's population has also declined much in recent years. Over the last few decades, famines, civil war, and the rise of the Empire has brought Mandalore's population down to just 4 million. Just a fraction of what it used to be but a few decades ago."

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