Chapter 28- The Mouth of Sauron

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Chapter 28- The Mouth of Sauron

Jakan grunts a bit as he tightens his leg armor in place. Almost his entire suit is now on, except for his jetpack and his helmet, as well as his weapons.

Today is the day that Aragorn's plan begins. While some forces are headed to protect Rohan and others are to remain behind to protect Gondor, Aragorn will be marching with an army of almost 4,000 men of Gondor and Rohan, which he has dubbed the Army of the West, to the Black Gate to make their distractionary attack.

Jakan grabs his jetpack and slides it into position on his back, making sure it's locked in place. He then slides his blaster rifle onto his back, secures the Darksaber to his jetpack, slides his blaster pistols into their holsters, and then sliding his knife into position before finally securing Hadhafang on his belt. Jakan checks his gauntlets to make sure they're in good shape, then reaches over for his helmet. Jakan looks at his helmet head on before turning it into position and sliding it onto his head.


Jakan turns around sees Mirta behind him, helmet under her arm. "Aragorn's gathering everyone. It's time to head out," she says.

"Then, let's go," Jakan says. Jakan walks out of the room, and he and Mirta head down to the main gathering area just inside the remnants of the Great Gate.

It doesn't take the two very long to get down to the muster. Aragorn is dressed in a very regal suit of armor, Anduril resting against his side, and is sitting atop Brego, directing everyone as the army begins to gather.

Jakan walks over to where Gar and Fel are waiting with their horses, as well as Jakan and Mirta's horses. Most of the army will be on foot, and the plan doesn't even call for anyone to be fighting on horseback at the Black Gate. The officers and members of the Fellowship will be riding on horseback to the Black Gate, but will send the horses away prior to the battle.

"Are you guys ready for this?" Jakan asks his friends as they all circle up.

"Couldn't be more," Gar says with a chuckle, his helmet concealing his expression.

"This is gonna be fun. And if this is how we die, it's gonna be a good way to go out," Fel says.

"Men of Gondor and Rohan! We ride for the Black Gate! It is time to bring freedom to our land once and for all! Let us go!" Aragorn yells out loud enough to be heard across the entire square. He then wheels Brego around and starts riding for the Great Gate.

Jakan looks at the other three Mandalorians and says, "Mount up. Let's ride." He then turns to Lodreng and swings himself up onto the horse's back. He rubs Lodreng's neck and says, "One more time, Lodreng." The horse snorts in response as the other Mandalorians mount their horses. The four Mandalorians then ride off after Aragorn.

The army forms up as it moves out of the city. Aragorn is leading the army on Brego. Riding right behind him is Boromir, who is holding the Standard of Elendil, brought out of storage for the first time in centuries. EOmer is also following close behind, as he is now recognized as the heir to the now empty throne of Rohan, with Merry riding behind him. Gandalf is following close behind them on Shadowfax with Pippin riding in the saddle in front of him, with Legolas and Gimli on their horse and Jakan on Lodreng beside him. The other three Mandalorians are riding behind them, and the rest of the army in column behind them, stretching back for a great distance.

As the army begins to turn towards the north, turning to a course that will eventually lead them to the Black Gate, Jakan grips the reigns tightly. Knowing that a final confrontation with Sauron's forces is coming, he feels a sense of anticipation. This is going to be the fight of his life.

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