Chapter 9- The Golden Wood

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Chapter 9- The Golden Wood

Having left the darkness of Moria far behind, the Fellowship hurries across a large field as the set begins to set, the Misty Mountains growing smaller in the distance behind them.

Up ahead are the trees of Lothlorien. Many of the Fellowship feel a slight sense of relief as they enter the trees. However, some of them also feel slight apprehension, knowing the stories of Lothlorien.

The one who feels only apprehension is Gimli. The dwarf turns around towards the hobbits and says, "Stay close, young hobbits. They say there's a great sorceress that lives in these woods. And Elf-Witch of terrible power. All who look upon her fall under her spell and are never seen again."

Jakan rolls his eyes a bit under his helmet. He had heard the stories of the witches of Dathomir, but knows that they are pretty much extinct. He finds himself skeptical that stories about this supposed Elf-witch to probably just be tall tales.

Suddenly, he hears in his head, Your coming here, Jakan Shan, heralds great changes for our world, and for your people. The crucible of the Mandalorians draws near.

Jakan looks around in shock, not having expected that. He cannot see anybody around him, thereby making him assume that whoever this was spoke to him mentally from a great distance. That doesn't make him feel less uneasy.

"Well, here's one dwarf she won't ensnare so easily. I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox," Gimli says. But, as he finishes saying this, he suddenly finds an arrowhead just a few inches from his face. "Oh," she says simply.

All around the Fellowship, Elves with bows aimed seem to melt out of nowhere. Legolas, acting on instinct, fits an arrow to his bow and draws it back. At the same time, Jakan pulls out a blaster with one hand, while whipping Hadhafang out with the other hand. Several elves standing near Jakan look at the sword in surprise, recognizing it as Elrond's blade.

Then, an elf, wearing slightly finer clothing than the others, steps into view, saying, "The dwarf breathes so loud we could have shot him in the dark." Gimli growls in annoyance upon hearing that.

The elves lead the Fellowship to a series of platforms mounted in the trees. As they reach them, the sun has already set.

The leader of the Galadhrim, Haldir, begins conversing with Legolas in a language unfamiliar to Jakan. Curious, he leans over to Aragorn and asks, "Elvish?"

"Yes," Aragorn responds simply.

Gimli, apparently having had enough of the Elves talking and him being unaware of what's being said, says in irritation, "So much for the legendary courtesy of the Elves. Speak words we can all understand!"

Haldir looks over at Gimli, and, with his tone much less respectful than when he was speaking to Legolas, says, "We have not had dealing with the dwarves since the Dark Days."

"And do you know what this dwarf says to that? Ishkhaqwi ai durugnul!" Gimli says in a venomous tone.

Jakan may not speak Dwarvish, but can tell from Gimli's tone he just insulted Haldir. This is only confirmed when Aragorn lightly smacks Gimli on the shoulder and says, "That was not so courteous."

Haldir then looks behind Legolas, to where Frodo is standing. He looks at him intently for several moments before he says, "You bring great evil with you. You can go no further." He then turns to walk away.

Aragorn follows Haldir a few yards away from the rest of the Fellowship, and they commence an argument in Elvish.

Jakan sits down beside Frodo, who is staring off into space, as if contemplating something.

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