Chapter 5- No Safe Paths

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Chapter 5- No Safe Paths

Jakan sighs as he leans back against a boulder. The company has reached the Misty Mountains, and is heading south towards a mountain pass called the Gap of Rohan. Apparently, once through the Gap, they'll have a good path to Mordor.

The Fellowship has stopped for some rest among some boulders. Most of the Fellowship is sitting on the various rocks and boulders, while Boromir has taken to giving some sword training to Merry and Pippin.

As Jakan is twirling one of his blaster pistols, just thinking, he suddenly hears Sam's voice ask, "Mr. Jakan, can I ask you something?"

Jakan looks up at Sam, who has sat down on a small rock next to him. Jakan smiles a bit and says, "Of course, Sam. Ask away."

"You said you're a Mandalorian. What's a Mandalorian?" Sam asks.

Jakan smiles a bit. "Well, I think that is something I should tell everyone. Why don't we gather everyone up before I answer your question?"

Sam nods. Jakan stands up and walks to where everyone can hear him. "Hey, everyone. I have something I want to tell you all. I think it's time I explain who I am," he calls out.

Everyone hears him, and move closer so they can hear him better. Jakan looks around, and once he sees that he has everyone's attention, he begins telling his story.

"Sam asked me what a Mandalorian is. Well, it can mean two things. The most basic meaning is that a Mandalorian is an inhabitant of the world of Mandalore," Jakan explains.

"Wait, world?" Pippin asks curiously.

"Yes. This world that Middle-Earth is part of is just one of many. There are many thousands of other worlds, all in the vast expanse known as space, very far from each other. Your world is just one out of millions of worlds and stars that make up the galaxy. One of those other worlds is Mandalore. My homeworld," Jakan explains.

Everyone, save Gandalf and Aragorn, looks amazed at this. Jakan continues his explanation, "There is another meaning to the word Mandalorian. Throughout its history, the world of Mandalore has had a very warrior-like culture. It's elite warriors were known as Mandalorian warriors, though sometimes they were simply referred to as simply Mandalorians. They wore special battle armor, and were known as some of the greatest warriors in the galaxy. For millennia, the Mandalorians have been revered and feared as great warriors."

Jakan pauses, then says, "For much of their history, the warriors of Mandalore have been enemies of the Jedi, an organization dedicated to keeping peace in the galaxy. However, not long ago, an Empire, ruled by the evil Sith, took over the galaxy. The remaining Mandalorians, including myself, divided into two groups. One group sided with the Empire, and became known to some as the Dark Mandalorians. But the other became the Alliance of Free Mandalorians, sometimes called the Light Mandalorians. And they are dedicated to stopping the Empire and the Dark Mandalorians. I am one of the Light Mandalorians."

"I was sent on a raiding mission deep into the heart of the Empire to steal something from the Emperor. During my escape, I was cornered, and in desperation, I made what is called a hyperspace jump, which can take across unfathomably great distances. And that jump brought me here, though it damaged my ship beyond repair. Therefore, I cannot return to Mandalore right now," Jakan finishes.

The Fellowship looks awed by everything. After a moment, Gimli asks curiously, "What were you sent to steal?"

Jakan grins a bit. He reaches up and pulls the Darksaber's hilt off his jetpack and holds it out so the Fellowship can see it. "This is the Darksaber. It belonged to the Mandalorians for a long time, before it was stolen by the Emperor. I was sent to steal it back," Jakan says.

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