Chapter 26- Ride of the Rohirrim

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Chapter 26- Ride of the Rohirrim

Across the hill rising at the northern edge of the Pelennor Fields, thousands of Rohirrim ride slowly over the crest of the hill to within sight of Minas Tirith. After riding long and hard for three days from DUnharrow, they have finally reached Minas Tirith.

At the head of the Rohirrim formation, Theoden rides forward on his horse, Snowmane. As he reigns in Snowmane, Theoden takes in the sight before him. Over two hundred thousand Orcs massing around Minas Tirith, with the lower two levels of the city burning.

He hears two horses riding up beside him. Looking to the side, Theoden sees that it is Gar and Fel. The two had been given their pick of horses prior to leaving Edoras. Gar had chosen a jet black stallion, and Fel had chosen a pinto mare. The two Mandalorians had also been appointed by Theoden as his advisors.

"What do you think?" THeoden asks.

"Looks more menacing than I imagined, but I think if we maintain the momentum of our initial charge, they won't be able to handle it. My concern is that they'll try and use archers to pick us off and reduce our numbers before we even get close," Gar says.

Theoden nods to show he agrees. "Do you think the two of you can reduce the number of their archers before we can get in range?" Theoden asks.

Fel nods, Theoden not able to see his smirk under his helmet. "We'll give 'em a good show," he says.

Theoden nods. "Good. Do what you must once we begin to ride," he says.

"Yes, Theoden-King," Gar says with a nod.

Theoden nods in return, then turns Snowmane around and rides to instruct his marshalls as to what to do as Gar and Fel ride back to take their place among the Rohirrim. "Eomer, take your eored down the left flank!" Theoden orders.

"Flank ready!" Eomer calls out.

"Hama, follow the King's banner down the center!" Theoden orders Hama. He then rides on towards Grimbold, the Third marshall, and orders, "Grimbold, take your company right after you pass the wall. Forth, and fear no darkness!" Grimbold then rides off to take up his position.

Now facing all of his rides, Theoden begins to shout, "Arise! Arise, Riders of THeoden! Swords shall be shaken! Shields shall be splintered! A sword day! A red day! Ere the sun rises!"

Across the front of the Rohirrim formation, Rohirrim begin to lower their spears in preparation to charge. Meanwhile, Eowyn, on her horse Windfola, leans in and whispers to Merry, who is sitting in front of her in the saddle, "Whatever happens, stay close to me. I'll look after you."

Both Gar and Fel have ridden with Eowyn most of the last few days. They had discovered Eowyn had snuck along with the army not long after leaving Dunharrow. Both had promised not to tell THeoden after discovering the truth.

"Don't worry, Eowyn. Stay close to us, and we'll make sure your uncle doesn't have to have a heart attack," Gar says.

The group then hears something. Looking in the direction of the sound, they see Theoden riding along the Rohirrim line, letting his sword, Herugrim, hit the Rohirrim spears. As he goes, he yells, "Ride now! Ride now! Ride! Ride for ruin, and the world's ending!" He then turns in the direction of the army of Mordor and yells, "DEATH!"

"DEATH!" the Rohirrim bellow in response, Gar and Fel joining in.

"DEATH!" Theoden yells again, with the Rohirrim echoing.

"DEATH!" Theoden yells a third time, and everyone, including Eowyn and Merry now, echoes Theoden's cry.

"FORTH EORLINGAS!" Theoden bellows. A number of Rohirrim then let out blasts from their horns, and Theoden begins riding forward on Snowmane. The rest of the Rohirrim begin to follow him, bellowing their war cries as they spur their horses forward. They start the horses off at a trot, then slowly speeding up into a canter, then finally into a full gallop as they get closer.

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