𖥻 outro

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now it's actually timeto slow down bubs :)

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now it's actually time
to slow down bubs :)


hello everyone, vas writing! yet
another book of mine has come
to an end ,, and god knows how
happy & relieved i actually am !

cause ,, truthfully ,, writing this
book was one hell of a ride :,)

never have i thought that this
book would come to life. it all
started with a random dream
i had about heeseung winning
some typa race back in may ,,
then i watched " ralph breaks
the internet " and got inspired
by vanellope ,, then heeseung
dressed up as a racer for this
one paradoxxx invasion stage
and then boom ! chapter three
was born as an insta oneshot :)

i owe it all to PXRADISE_LXST,,
cause if it weren't for her ,, this
book wouldn't have existed !!

she really did hype me up when
i posted my oneshot ,, urging me
to turn it into a book. so ,, i did !!
did i have any idea what the hell
was going on? no. was i excited?
hell yeah !


for the first three chapters ,, i just
went with the flow. after finishing
chapter three, i didn't really know
what to do, so i just went with the
first thing that basically came into
my mind ;; create some drama ─
chaos sounds about right.

thinking about it ,, "slow down" is
really just one drama of a book :,)
i even shocked myself with all the
trauma and chaos going on while
writing. but i wanted to make this
book a bit realistic ,, in contrast to
"dandelion" . my characters here
aren't teenagers,, but adults that,,
aside from love and it's weirdass
complications ,, they have to deal
with life.

i decided to give it a try and write
about more mature concepts ,, like
sexism and non-consensual sexual
interaction. i do feel like i could've
done a better work at representing
the said topics,, and i would like to
apologize in case i made you guys
uncomfortable or upset with how
i represented them . i'd appreciate
some constructive criticism on that.

"slow down" also happens to be my
first book with black people rep. &
lgbtq+ rep. i reached out to trusted
friends of mine & asked them for
advise ,, in hopes of not offending
anyone ─ as a writer ,, i wanted to
be more inclusive of other races &
communities ,, so that everyone
feels represented and included :)


it actually saddens me to know
that this book is finished . even
though i was pressured by the
need to finish it,, writing it was
an enjoyable experience :) i got
to develop as an author first &
foremost and also explore new
ways of writing. i also got to do
some research and learn some
interesting stuff !

fyi: all events mentioned are
actual racing events :) maybe
not as accurate as in real life,
but you get the point.


i'd also like to individually thank
some of you guys for being active
by voting & commenting on every
single chapter. you guys just don't
know how much it motivates me
& helps me with staying positive !


and a very big thanks to every
single one of you guys ,, for all
the love and support you gave
this book <3


SO,, with all that being said ,,
& after forming a long af outro
yet again,, as well as the power
given by my author nature and
hee's handsome ass ,, i proudly
announce that :

𖥻 slow down
a lee heeseung book

has officially come to an end!


started: 03/08/22
published: 06/08/22

finished: 29/10/22
published: 23/12/22

─ finished: 29/10/22published: 23/12/22

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