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I walk into my new house. It has been two weeks since my mom handed me the keys. our stuff should be here in about a hour.

"Myles" I call to him. he got here before me. "up here" he is standing at the top of the stairs. "I talked to your mom. there are three bedrooms. One for us, one for the baby, and one as a guest bedroom. there are two offices. I will turn one into a recording studio and you can have the other one for art" I smile at him and wait for him to stop talking. but he doesn't. "and downstairs there is this huge room that looks like it was a gym. I think you should teach dance classes there" my smile fades and my jaw drops.

"What" he says. "you think I could do it, I don't know if I could. with the baby and all" he laughs. "obviously not yet, your pregnant. I meant after we have the baby" I give him a hug.

It has always been my dream to teach kids how to dance. and I was living my dream, but myles just took it to a whole bother level.


We are done setting up the furniture now. it looks amazing. Kalin and Stacie will be here any minute.

Myles is in his new recording studio. I walk into the room and he doesn't look up. he is making a new beat for a song. "that sounds really good" I say. he looks up and smiles.

"Come here" I walk over to him and he shows me how he makes beats and edits people's voices. "okay now that I know how to do this, I can make your song better" he laughs.

"I don't think that possible" I raise an eyebrow at him. I turn the bass up and then make it so that there is a drop" I look over at myles and he roles his eyes.

"Hey" I hear Kalin call from downstairs. "hey" I yell. I run downstairs. Stacie looks pissed off at life and kalin looks like he could be happier. "Why are you pissed" I ask stacie. "shut up bitch" wow she did not.

"What's wrong" I ask. "you want to know what's wrong. you have your perfect life, with this guy that you don't love" I think I might strangle her. she continues "you are just with him for the money, and now you have this amazing house that he is probably going to pay for. oh and don't forget your also getting married and oh ha having a baby together. so that's what's wrong" myles is now standing behind me.

"Oh so your jealous. your jealous that I found the love of my life. the one person I would give my life for, that is how much I love him. actually words can't even describe how much I love him. and your jealous, that my mom gave us this amazing house that I am so thankful for and your also jealous that I am going to get married before you and that I'm having a baby and your not. but let's not forget the most important reason, the fact that Kalin is not in love with you anymore. your a bitch. you flirt with some of his friends, you party every night, and you smoke. please leave my house" the beginning of that was a angry rage, but at the end I was very calm.

"Let's go Kalin" she says reaching for his arm. but he moves and then she turns and looks directly at me.

"You have the amazing boyfriend, and a probably adorable baby. you have a nice house and a engagement ring the size of Mars, you have all the fans begging for you to notice them. but you still want more. you just had to steal Kalin from me didn't you" I am getting sick of this. I grab her by the arm and throw her out of my house.

"And by the way i quite, I'm not apart of your little dance studio anymore" she turns around with the ego she thinks she still has. Ya, I do feel bad for her. but she needs to help herself.

I walk back inside and she follows me. "so you want to play like that. "sweetheart I advise you not to make a pregnant woman mad cause I'll actually rip the hair out of your head" she has a tear coming down her face.

"Don't cry. I should be the one crying. you think I have all the fans, well I don't. most of them hate me because I am marrying myles, they still think they have a chance with Kalin because your dating and there is a more likely chance of you two braking up. and have you even thought of the fact that I have to wait till I have this baby until I get married so I can fit into a wedding dress. and have you thought about the fact that I am not taking myles money because I have my own and if you want me to prove it, I'll sign a prenup" I say.

She starts to ramble on about how she has no money because she spent it on drugs. I am actually sick and tired of this. "get the hell out of my house, you stupid bitch, you want to know why you have no money, because you lost all the clients at you studio because the parents didn't want there kids around a pothead" grab he by the arm and throw her out the door, and I actually did throw her.

I turn around and shut the door. Kalin is starring at me. "myles recorded it" he said. "myles I swear to god" he cuts me off. "don't swear to god, he died for our sins" this is not a time for joking even though that was pretty funny.

"Myles the fans don't know that I'm pregnant yet" he puts his phone down and promises not to upload it until we announce my pregnancy.

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