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Charlie's POV

I am now done dance. "hey, my music video for chase dreams needs some dance moves" Myles says. "sure" "how about bless" I say, putting my hands up. "prayer hands" I say, putting my hands in prayer form. "that's good, bless, prayer hands" he says doing the moves.

"Back flip time" I say, jumping and clapping. "And I be getting super hyfy in the function" I say, doing a back flip. he tries it to and he is really good. "Lemme hit my thiz face is nothing" I say, pretending to take of my face. "that's good" he says. "Let's go back to my place" he says.

We get into the car and he blares music. "Started from the bottom now we're here, started from the bottom now the teams fucking here" we sing/scream.

We pull into his drive way. "let's go" he says. he jumps out of the car and runs to my side. he opens the door and I jump out.

"How about we play gta" I say. he pops in the disc and and throws me a controller and head set.

We start a team death match. I am very good at this, so far. I see someone behind a garbage can, right as I am about to shoot, someone shoots me. "don't mess with my girl" myles says into his head set. I can see on his screen.

He shot the guy, then started to put gasoline on him.

When we were finished, we just sat and watched a movie. "carnival" he asks. i just get up and nod.

We go on the first ride was a very dark roller coaster. I sat between Myles and a random dude. "can I touch your tongue ring with my tongue" the guy says. "first of all, she doesn't have a tongue ring, so your blind and second I'm her boyfriend and if you don't leave her alone I am going to have to make you" myles says. "sorry, but she is pretty" he says. "you think I don't realize that" Myles says in a 'thank you captain obvious' voice.

When we finally got of the roller coaster, I run strait for the ferris wheel. "cone on" I say, pulling his hand. we get on and we slowly get to the top. "picture" I say. I snap a picture of us kissing. "send that to me" he says. "fine" I say. he starts to rock the seat back and forth. "it says right there 'do not rock seat'" I say. he just looks over and continues to rock it.

We get off and we go to the games. "oh my goodness, look a t that Elephant, did you know I adopted a elephant online." I say, pointing to a huge stuffed animal.

Myles started to play the game. He looks so focused and determined, that's all just to win me a stuffed animal. I get cut out of my thoughts by myles snapping his fingers, in font of my face. "earth to Charls" he says. "sorry I zoned out" I say. he hands me the elephant and kisses my forehead.

We get back to his house. we still have out snow cones. "how about YouTube vid" I say. he nods, in agreement.

I go through his bedroom window and climb across the tree. luckily my bedroom window is open. I grab my lap top and go back.

"I changed my mind, we are doing a YouNow" I say happily.

I set up the laptop and click the 'go live' button. "hey guys it's Charles and I am here with my bf Myles Parrish" I say. "what up" he says. I smile at him. I'm so lucky. "first question, 'how did you meet'" I say. "Ok we met when he tried to kidnap my four year old sister, at the mall" I say, jokingly.

"Ok, first of all, I met Jaycee and Jessie at the beach, that's how Jaycee new me, so I did not try to steal your sister, and second we are neighbours" he says. I start to laugh. "next is 'why did your mom name you Charlie, like isn't that a guy name'" i read. "ok first of all go fuck your self and second your name is Sheldon so don't be making fun of me bitch" I say. "oh you just got told, Sheldon" Myles shouts. We both burst out laughing.

"Next 'you guys are a cute couple, anyway, where did you ask her to be your gf" I read from my phone. "We were in a tree, I'm not going to tell you why, but we were" myles says.


Ok, I know I'm not the best writer, but next chapter will be good.

I am going to start doing qotd (question of the day). I am going to try and update everyday. the chapters may not be very long, but they won't be to short.

Have you ever met them or are you going to. comment your answer?

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