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Kyle's *POV*

The clouds chucked rain down upon me as I run down the slippery streets of London. I frown to myself as I now start to regret not bringing an umbrella. My long brown trench coat flows behind me, my sawed dark brown shoes grasping the wet pavement by a finger as my feet come in contact with the drenched ground, and my fresh newly washed navy blue suit and black tie get and extra washing from the rain above.

I finally reach the office building and rush inside, accidentally slipping on the marble floor as I run to reach the elevator that is quickly becoming packed. Skidding across the floor, I slide inside the elevator just as the door begin to close.

Suddenly, the doors are forced open once more as a pale hand slips through the crack between the sliding doors. The man that is causing all of the people in the elevator, including me, to be late, shakes out his black umbrella and his tall black hair. He steps in, strips off his tan trench coat, and presses the button with the number 13 painted on it.

"Way to make us late, jackass." A voice rises from the back of the packed elevator as the doors finally shut. The man wipes off his foggy and wet glasses, placing them back in the bridge of his nose.

"I'm sorry, sir." The man quietly replies the the voice. He turns his head to the back of the elevator to see the person in the back flipping him off. He slowly turns his head back, frown upon his lips, his blue eyes meeting mine for a slight second, then he stares straight ahead until he reaches his level where he steps off and drops his head, only to hear a few people behind me laugh and snicker.


Dan's *POV*

"God damn, I am such a twat." I huff under my breathe. Wondering aimlessly through the halls, I try to find room five. Every time I switch damn jobs I always screw shit up. The vet: punctured a cat's heart by mistake, the science laboratory: accidentally knocked over some chemical and burning one of the scientists' feet, the hospital: dropped a bowl of surgery supplies and stabbed a doctor's foot, the high school: none of the kids liked me as a Physical Education teacher because I made them run too much, and lastly today at the office building: embarrassed myself because I made about 15 people late.

"Hey! New guy!" I hear a voice shout behind me along with multiple chuckles and heavy footsteps. I raise my shoulders, my body tensing up, scared of what will happen.

"Hey, twat! He's talkin' to ya!" Another voice yells as they come closer. I shouldn't show that I'm weak. I force my feet to start moving and I start running away from the men shouting at me and now running after me. I find a door opening to a ring of stairs that circle around the walls for 13 stories. A sigh escapes my lips and I start to run as fast as I can down the stairs.

Suddenly, I am pushed over the railing, dangling off of the stair rails, praying that I don't fall 13 stories to the ground.

"You're doing this to me just because I made you lads late?" I ask in disbelief. The men chuckle.

"Oi!" A voice shouts a flight of stairs above us, "What the fuck do you lot think you are doing?!" The group of men look up, their smiles fading.

"Shit." The leader of the men whispers. They run off, looking scared for their lives. "Next time, you little piece of shit." Once the men are gone, I hear one pair of feet running down the stair towards me. The man that was standing next to me in elevator appears in front of me. He grabs the arms, pulling me up and over the railing.

Once I am back on my feet, I look up at the man with the deep brown eyes and matching colored hair and mustache. "Thank you, sir." I say, shyly, smiling as I thank him. The man chuckles.

"No problem, um...."

"Dan - well Daniel, but you can just call me Dan."

"Alright, Dan. I'm Kyle. And you must be the newbie." Kyle extends his hand outwards. I look at it for a second before shaking his hand and nodding.

"Oi, ya. That's me. The newbie." I shyly respond, letting go of his hand, and pushing my glasses up onto the bridge of my nose.

"So, Dan, what is your job here in the dull office building?" Kyle asks as he fixes his tie and brushes off his navy blue suit, his jacket no longer clinging to his body.

"Um," I laugh to myself, soon feeling my cheeks and ears burning of embarrassment, "Phone operator."

Kyle smiles, looking up from his suit, "I am the website manager. I create websites for all of our clients."

I laugh, playfully rolling my eyes, "I would love to have that job." Kyle shakes his head.

"Nah, man. It's a hassle. It gets old after about a month." He pauses and looks at me, "I've been working as the website manager for five years."


He nods, "Ya. Well, Dan, I'll see you around. I have to head down the the tenth floor for a client meeting."

"Okay." I answer, a bit saddened that we couldn't talk for a bit longer. Kyle pats my shoulder and continues walking down the stairs. After tiredly rubbing my eyes underneath me glasses, I walk back upstairs to floor 13, to find room five.

Unseen {Bastille: Dyle} (completed)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat