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"Hey, look! There's a bar!" Kyle shouts and runs over, seating himself. Raising an eyebrow, I walk over and sit next to him.

"I thought you said that you've been here before?" I ask, turning away from him to see what drinks they have.

Kyle finishes telling the bar tender what drink he wants and turns to face me. I notice him nodding from the corner of my eye, "Ya. I haven't been here in two years. Last time I came here, they never had a bar. They had a salad bar." He thanks the bar tender as she hands him his drink.

I nod to his glass. "What's that?"

Kyle looks down at the red colored drink. "3-O Cheesecake Martini. I've had it once before at a bar downtown. It's the best. You have to try it." He smiles, as he takes a sip. I nod, looking down at my hands on the counter top, then back up, my eyes meeting the bar tender's.

"Same as him, I'm guessing. The blonde girl smirks, her grey eyes twinkling in the dull light. I slightly shake me head as I raise me eyebrows.

"Ya." I take off my glasses, rubbing my eyes with my left hand, exhausted.

"You okay there, Daniel?" Kyle asks, taking another sip, and licks his lips, putting the glass down. I nod and slide my glasses back on.

"Yes, Kyle. I'm fine."

"Fine never means what you want it to mean, Dan." The girl walks back placing the drink in front of me, "You're probably going to want a stronger drink after that. You look really depressed."

"Drinking just makes you more depressed. Keep that in mind, gentlemen." The bar tender, pants the table, smiling at us, then walks away to serve someone else.

"Then no. If it's just going to make me depressed. Here." I slide the Martini to Kyle, "Drink it. I'm walking home."

"Wow wow wow!" Kyle falls off of his chair as he chases after me. He grabs my hand right as I step outside.

"Kyle." I sigh, as I pull my hand out of his grip.

"Dan, please. Stay." A gasps as he leans against the cold wall of the building. The cold night breeze blows my hair back as we stand there silently.

I look at the passing cars next to me, feeling Kyle's gaze upon me. I shake my head, rubbing my arms, covered by my suit. "No, Kyle. I hardly even know you. You're just that weird man that saved me, confronted me in the Lou, and took me to a restaurant. Please, go away. You're practically a stranger." I start walking down the street and away from him, still feeling his burning gaze as I turn my back on him.

Unseen {Bastille: Dyle} (completed)Where stories live. Discover now