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"Run away with you?!" She grips my hands tighter at the sound of my tone.

"You heard me, Daniel. You would be much safer around me and the others, but with Kyle, you never know when he will turn on you again." Her tone was serious and so was this look in her eyes. Sighing, I nod.

"Yes. I'll run away with you." A smile grows across her lips and her eyes brighten. Turning, she lets go of one of my hands and leads me back into the forest.

- - - -

Kyle's *POV*

"WHERE IS HE?!" I shout demandingly at Chris whom is on the other line.

"Kyle, I've already told you. I don't know. I helped him get away and that's all I remember. When I woke up, Will was dead along with many others and Dan, Ashley, and Chlöe were gone. I can't help you, Kyle. Have you even tried calling Chlöe or Dan?"

I roll my eyes, annoyed be the fact that he thought I hadn't tried calling Dan. Of coarse I have.


God, I'm such a terrible person. Just to prove my point, before Chris could say anything else, I hang up on him, going straight to my contacts.

Scrolling down the list rapidly, I search of Dan's name. Once my eye catches a glimpse of his name, I slowly scroll back up, tap his name, and I tap the little blue tellie symbol. The phone half rings before it goes straight to voicemail. My shoulders slump as I lean my head back, resting it on the head red of the driver's seat. I listen to the voicemail and not just our voices but every little detail. Dan's laughs and chuckles, Ella's voice in the background, Dan leaving his message when I interrupt with a loud squeak with a snort following right behind it and Dan replying with a loud "What the fuck?!" followed with his adorable laugh he has where he always leans forward as he laughs. Sometimes when I get him laughing really hard he will not only lean down but he will swing his head back before he leans and I find it so adorable. As the voicemail ends with me taking the phone, throwing it to Ella, and Ella laughing and ending the recording, I can't help but smile remembering the good times Dan and I actually had together while we were free from our bull crap and before Will, Chlöe, and Chris started really threatening us and trying to hurt us. Before running away together. Before everything changed for the worst.

- - - -

Dan's *POV*

Ashley stops us in front of a giant cabin in the middle of the woods. Looking down at her, I start to wonder if Kyle is okay, knowing that there's a chance that I might not see him again. She looks up at me with a smile, gripping my hand tighter before leading the way inside.

Once I step foot into the doorway, I am greeted with loud music and smoke. "Is that Bring Me The Horizon playing?" I ask Ashley, noticing the tune of the song.

"Yes, it is." She leads me down a long, dark, narrow hallway as she continues the conversation, "This is where we hide when I am here in the UK. There are about twenty other people not including myself and we all share and live in this house." We turn the corner and automatically, we are blinded by smoke as the music gets louder.

I hear Ashley yelling something for a moment before the music stops. I stand there for a moment, letting the smoke clear before I step towards Ashley, and I am back at her side once more. Looking around the room I count eleven people either standing or slouching on the torn, beat up couches. Everyone in the room is either smoking or drinking and it's honestly not a pretty sight.

"Guys, listen up!" Ashley shouts in a demanding tone, "This is Dan and he will be staying with us - for awhile."

Looking around the room, I watched all eyes slowly look up as me. Some give me glares, some get a quick glance, and some even wink at me. Cringing, I give them my fakest  smile, nodding slightly, turning, and quickly walk out with my head down.

This was a bad idea. I can't do this!

I run outside, slipping in the fallen leaves and the grass because they are wet and muddy from the rain. The droplets pour down on me as a panic attack kicks in.

The air is catches in my chest, sitting there, making it hard to breathe. My body starts shaking and tears start stinging my eyes. One at a time, I run my shaking hands through my now wet and flattened hair as the tears start pouring down.

It honestly feels like no one is here for me right now. I just wish Ralph was still here or I wish I was at home playing board games with Ella while we eat pancakes and hang out with our two furballs  we call cats. Nothing is right. Nothing will ever be right. I feel so alone. I feel so unseen.

- - - -

I open my eyes and look out the window. It's still dark out. Slowly and I quietly as I can, I sit up in the bed that Ashley and I are sharing. Getting up, I head to the closet where Ashley had put a few outfits in there for me. Picking one out, I quickly strip of my pajamas and slip on the plain black tee shirt and black skinny jeans. I feel awfully satisfied when I noticed that I didn't need to wear a belt with the pants. Walking over to the show rack, I put on a pair or socks and my white all-star converse before I head over to the nightstand. From there I grab my fully charged phone and I place a small kiss on Ashley's forehead before heading downstairs and out of the house.

I run through the leaves, tripping a few times before I reach the forest.

- - - -

Ashley ( Halsey ) 's *POV*

I let out a loud, frustrated scream once I finished searching the whole house. I can't fucking believe he left! Pissed, I ball my hands int the fist, turn, and punch a hole in the closest wall. I pull out my hand out, eyeing the blood before shaking it off, and walking out of the house and into the forest.

- - - -

Chlöe's *POV*

My vision begins to blur and my breath begins to hitch in my throat. My eyes look down at my stab wound seeing the blood all over my hands, chest, stomach, and down my right thigh.

Suddenly, I hear what sounds like angry yells in the distance. I start following the voice, praying that they will be able to help me. I start gasping for air as I continue the walk through the trees, watching them spin around my head. I stop as I see a figure stand before me.

Smirking, I pull out my gun as I notice the black clothes and short blue hair. Gripping it as tight as I can in my shaking right hand, I hold it up at her. We stand there for a minute before I hear her start sobbing.

"Any last words, bitch?" I ask in a breathy tone as breathing becomes harder and harder. Through my blurry vision I can see her shake her head.

"Just get it over with." She tells me through the tears.

I can slightly see the red dot on her forehead from my gun. With a huge grin, I place the magazine in the bottom of the grip before I pull back the rear sight.

Choking, I look at the dot before pulling the trigger. The blast rings through my ears causing me to hear a faint buzzing as I hear he body fall to the forest grounds. Falling to my knees, I start coughing as I choke, not able to breathe. I gasp for air, failing to get a grip on it. Suddenly, it stops. It just all stops. The sounds and breathing. No more birds. No more leaves rustling. I watch everything slowly spin and raise up over me as I feel myself falling.

My eyes stare up at the opening at the top of the forest. The circle of trees giving my the ability to see the clouds slowly drift by as the sun pours through them, two small birds flying past until everything turns white.

Unseen {Bastille: Dyle} (completed)Where stories live. Discover now