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I woke up in the hospital with Ella sleeping on my chest. I press a red button on my bed to alert a nurse that I am awake. Almost instantly a nurse ran in glad to see my awake.

"Um, nurse?" I say, stopping her before she leaves to get me food.

"Yes, Mr. Smith?"

"How am I still alive? I thought the bullet hit my heart."

"Well, you see, Mr. Smith, you were very lucky to be alive. The bullet was about two inches away from your heart. God is watching over you." The nurse smiles as I thank her and she leaves to get me food.

"WHAT ROOM IS DANIEL CAMPBELL SMITH IN?!" I hear a familiar voice shout. I hear someone mumble to them that there are no visitors aloud unless they are family. "I DON'T CARE! I NEED TO SEE HIM!" They shout, starting to cry. Suddenly, Kyle runs into my room, tears streaming down his face, eyes red. "Dan..." Kyle whispers, a small smile appearing on his lips.

"Kyle." I smile, reaching my arms out to him. He walks up to me, hugging my tightly, causing Ella to wake up.

"Wow..." She mumbles, groggy and tired, "Since when have you guys been friends?" She asks and rubs her eyes.

I look at her then Kyle, not sure what to say. I don't know what Kyle and I are. Kyle looks at Ella, "We are...friends..." He chokes on the word friends and I can see how much it pained him to say it. It hurt when he said that word friends. It felt like I had been stabbed and shot all at once.

Ella looked at me, raising an eyebrow. "Kyle. Erm...you didn't really answer my question."

"Since about the beginning of this week." I reply, looking over at her.

She nods, "Well, Dan. I'm glad you woke up today because your being let go tomorrow!"

- - - -

The next night I was released from the hospital. Kyle told Ella he would drive me home and she was okay with that. Ever since the first accident, she has been protective over me like a mother bear and her cub, even though I am the older one by seven years.

"Dan, do you want me to stay the night?" Kyle asks as he pulls into my driveway. I look over at him, smiling.

"Ya, Kyle. That would be great." We both get out of the car and walk to the front door, hand in hand. The two of us walk into my mini theater room, Kyle walking into the movie room to pick a movie out for us to watch. About a minute later, Kyle comes back with "The Outsiders".

Next thing I know, when I look over, Kyle is asleep as his head rests on my shoulder.

Unseen {Bastille: Dyle} (completed)Where stories live. Discover now