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Kyle's *POV*

It's been a ten hour flight so far and we are about to land in New York for the last half of the flight to Nevada. The whole time I've been looking at photos of Dan and I on my phone, sort of regretting the choices I have made.

The plane lands and as everyone piles out I stick my headphones in, putting my music on shuffle. The first song that comes on is Antichrist by The 1975. As I walk through the JFK Airport, walking swiftly around people to quickly buy my ticket for my next flight. I throughly think about the lyrics, and start to think about Dan which causes me to slow down.

I stop in the center of the sea of people thinking and contemplating on whether I should turn back or not. Next thing I know, I am sprinting back in the direction I came from, scanning lit up signs for the most recent flight back to London.

Once I spot a flight that is boarding to this second, I rush to the desk, "One ticket to London please." I ask, out of breathe.

"You're lucky. We only have one ticket left. Passport please." I hand him my passport and money, quickly take my ticket and passport, and rush onto the plane to my seat.

Dan's *POV*

"Let's listen to Robbers by The 1975. I love that song." Ashley says enthusiastically as we walk into her hotel room. I walk in after her and watch her put her suitcase down on the bed closest to the window, so I take the one closest to the wall.

As I take a seat on the edge of the bed, Ashley turns on Robbers and hands me a plain white tee shirt and black skinny jeans. "Here," She says, looking at the clothes then up at me, "My manager told me to give you these to wear. And you can use my shampoo and soap. Here's a washcloth, a brush, and a toothbrush. You can just use my toothpaste."

"Wow. Um, thank you! This is so mental." I thank her with a smile.

She waves me off, "No problem! Now go wash up!" She pushes me into the bathroom and closes the door behind me. I turn on the light and hang the clothes on the hanger behind the door. As I let the cold water run and heat up, I strip off my torn and beat up clothes.

I finally step in, letting the warm water hit and run down my aching back. Turning around, I let the water run over and sting the cuts and fragile bruises on my face and arms.

- - - -

After about an hour, I come out of the bathroom, dry, and wearing the clothes Ashley had given me. "I look ridiculous!" I exclaim, looking at myself in the body length mirror in front of the bathroom, "This shirt is skin tight and a tad bit see through...I look like I belong in one of those 80's movie gangs. Now all I have to do is jell my hair back and throw in a New York accent and WALAH!" I chuckle slightly, looking myself up and down before turning to Ashley to see her trying to hold back her laugh. "Just let it out." I sigh with a smile, rolling my eyes. She lets out her loud laugh, and of course she almost falls over.

I walk over, laughing along with her, and sit on the bed I am going to be sleeping on. Damn, if only Kyle knew who I was hanging out with.

No. Stop.

I can't think about him right now.

This is not the time.

"Hey, Dan, what's wrong?" I snap out of my state and look up at Ashley as she walks over and takes a seat next to me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders. I shake my head, not wanting to answer, and I am currently not in the mood to talk about that twat.

- - - -

I lay on my bed, staring at the nicely painted ceiling. Thoughts run through my mind when suddenly my chest starts pounding and aching. I try to get up but I can't move. I can't breathe. It feels like someone is sitting on top of me as they stab me continuously.

"OH MY GOD, DAN!" I hear Ashley shout as everything starts to turn fuzzy.

Ashley's *POV*

The silence in the room suddenly breaks as I hear Dan gasping for air. Turning around, I see his face turning bright red while he struggles to move. "OH MY GOD, DAN!" I rush over to him, stumbling slightly. I scoop him up into my arms, bridal style, and rush out the door.

Panicking, I rush to the front desk, "CALL 911 NOW!" I scream frantically, "PLEASE!" I screech, my voice cracking as tears start pouring down my face. (I told them to call 911 because I had lost my phone at the concert a few hours ago.)

Dan grips tightly to my blue and white tye dye shirt as the person behind the desk informs me that paramedics are on their way. I finally hear sirens and I instantly start sprinting outside to see an ambulance pulling up. Paramedics quickly open the back doors letting me hop in and place him on the stretcher that sits in the back.

One paramedic stays in the back with Dan and I as the other rushes back to the front to drive us to the hospital. The paramedic places a mask over Dan's mouth to help him breathe.

We finally get to the hospital. I grab Dan once more, following both paramedics, the three of us sprinting, Dan crying into my shoulder.

"You're going to be okay." I whisper to him as we run into the hospital, the darkness being burnt away by the blinding white light, "Everything is going to be okay. I promise."

As I work my fingers through his hair I watch his eyes meet mine before they slowly close.


So the song I put in this chapter doesn't match the chapter but I thought the chorus goes well with the part when Ashley (Halsey) starts running with Dan to the desk and into the ambulance and I think the very end goes perfect for when they run out of the ambulance and into the hospital. What do ya'll think? comment your thoughts!


Unseen {Bastille: Dyle} (completed)Where stories live. Discover now