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"You were red and you liked me 'cause I was blue. You touched me and suddenly I was a lilac sky, and you decided purple just wasn't for you." -Halsey

- - - -

I stood outside on the balcony of our hotel room listening to Florence + The Machines as I worked on a cigarette. Last time I checked, it was around five in the morning and Kyle was asleep. I sleep for about two hours, but couldn't get much rest, even with Kyle's head laying on my bare chest.

I lean on the balcony in only ADIDAS sweat pants, one arm resting on the railing while the other holds the cigarette that is in between my lips. I silently inhale and exhale the smoke as I look down upon the lit up streets as cars zoom by each other and people walk slowly on the sidewalks.

No matter what I think of, my thoughts always lead me back to Ralph and Purgatory. I keep trying to think about Kyle but he always fades away and Ralph's death pops up into my mind.

My thoughts are interrupted as I hear the sliding glass door open and close behind me. I feel a hand rest on my shoulder causing me to look up. My eyes meet Kyle's, "Hey, hun, what are you doing out here?" I ask as I breath out some smoke.

Kyle shrugs, "I couldn't sleep. I noticed you weren't there..." He says groggily. A smirk forms on my lips and I bring the cigarette back to the mouth, inhaling. I feel Kyle's eyes on me as I watch him from the corner of my eye take a seat in the chair next to me, "Dan. Please stop."

"Stop what?" I look down at him, the cigarette in between my index and middle finger.

"Smoking. Every time I kiss you, I can taste it, and smoking slowly kills you." I nod, sighing at his answer. I look down and put my cigarette out.

"I'll try my best. But it's not like I'm already dyeing." I shrug, flicking the bud off of the balcony. Kyle stands up and brings me into his chest. We both stand there, hugging shirtless. Kyle wearing plaid pj bottoms as I wear my sweatpants.

"Come on," Kyle whispers, breaking the hug to grab my hand, "Let's go back to bed."

- - - -

I wake up, automatically looking at the clock in the nightstand next to me only to see that I had another two hours of sleep. It's five in the morning.

Sighing, I stretch and turn over onto my side just to see that Kyle isn't sleeping next to me. "Kyle?" I call for him as I sit up.

I get out of bed and head to the bathroom just to see that he isn't in there either. "He...He left...?" My chest starts to hurt as my eyes start to water. I walk over to my suitcase and pull out my black To Kill A King shirt to match my sweats, I repack my things, and I walk out of the room to go check out.

"Hello, sir. How may I help you?" The woman at the desk asks as I approach her.

"Um..I am checking out." I inform her as I place my key on the desk.

"Dan, right?" She asks as she takes my card.


"Where's your friend?" She looks back up at me.

"Actually he is my boy friend and he sort of just um up and left while I was sleeping..." I tell her, looking down at my white converse.

"Doesn't sound like he's such a great boyfriend after all. Well, I hope you have a great day, sir."

"Um, heh thanks." I replay, leaving, and walking out into the freezing morning air.

- - - -

Tears stream down my cheeks as I sit on a curb in the middle of who knows where, and freeze as I watch a car drive by every once in a while. I can't believe he took the car. Fuck. I knew I shouldn't have trusted him. I shouldn't have given him my already broken heart, expecting him to heal it when all he did was sew it together then rip it apart once more.

I decide to get up and continue to walk so that I could warm up a bit. I don't know where I am going and I do not care where I am going, as long as I am going somewhere far away. Thoughts of Kyle swim through my mind.

"Fuck. Fuck get out. Get out! Get out of my head!" I begin to start yelling and hitting my head, trying to stop the memories. Suddenly, I start sobbing. I stop under a bridge as sit in the side walk as cars drive by. My sobs grow louder as the tears run down my face faster.

Reaching for my suitcase, I dig for my phone just to end up crying more once I notice that it isn't there. YOU FUCKING TWAT! I tell myself, WHY DID YOU HAVE TO FALL FOR HIM?! THANKS TO HIM YOU ARE JOBLESS, THOUSANDS OF MILES AWAY FROM HOME, AND BROKEN HEARTED!

I cup my face in my hands, sobbing, not knowing what else to do. Thanks to him, I am homeless, and I feels like my soul has left my body.

Unseen {Bastille: Dyle} (completed)Where stories live. Discover now