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But do you feel like a young God?
You know the two of us are just young gods
And we'll be flying through the streets with the people underneath
And they're running, running, running

- Halsey "Young God"

Nobody would except everything to automatically become perfect again ... right? Well, if you had kept that in mind, you were completely in the right.

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Halsey (Ashley) 's *POV*

I sit alone in my tour bus looking through my phone only to stop and notice a photo I had taken of Dan the night I met him and told him to wash up and put on some ultra tight clothes. The look on his face was classic. He looked so unamused yet amused at the same time. I don't know if that's possible, but in this moment, it is very possible.

Looking at the photo made me start missing him even more. I should really call him and check up. See if he's okay.

Kyle's *POV*

As Dan lies on my chest, my eyelids become heavy, begging me to close them. The back seat was quite small, so I was surprised when Dan and I were able to lay down.

As my eyelids start to slowly close, I am rudely interrupted by a phone ringing. Dan mutters something that is not understandable and brings his head up, squinting as he smirks at me.

"Ello, mate." He says in a groggy, Australian accent.

"What's with the Australian accent?" I ask him as I reach into his back jean pockets, searching for the ringing phone.

"Heh...Kyle? Why are you touching my ass?" Dan asks with a sleepy chuckle as he continues to squint at me.

"I'm looking for the phone that's ringing."

"That's mine."

"Well, pick it up."

"Nah. I'm too lazy." He shakes his head, laughing slightly to himself.

"It's annoying the fuck out of me. Please answer it." I tell him, unamused.

Dan releases an annoyed sigh as he get up, opens the glove compartment, grabs his phone, and steps out of the car. I stare out the window, watching his smile grow and grow causing me to worry. What if he loves someone else?

His nose crinkles along with the corners of his eyes when they close as he laughs at whatever the other person side on the other line. I feel my cheeks heat up as I read the words off his lips: I, Miss, and You. My jaw tenses as he cheers outside the car. My ears burning as I hear his faint hoo-raa's.

Dan turns back towards the car and as he reaches for the car door handle, I try my best to act like I saw nothing. "How was you talk?" I ask as casually as I can once he steps back into that car.

"Awesome. I just spoke to Ella." All my fears disappeared as he told me this. Dan takes a seat next to me. Suddenly, his phone rings again before I get to ask him what they had talked about. He stares down at his screen, eyes growing wide. "Ky, I'll be back in in a minute." He steps out again and walks far away from the car so that he is no longer in my sight.

Dan's *POV*

My heartbeat quickens as I walk into the small huddle of trees by where Kyle and I were parked. Answering the phone, my words sticking in my throat.

"Dan? You there?" The familiar voice asks on the other line.

"Uh...ya. Hey, Ashley." I answer in almost a whisper.

"Hey! How have you been since I left?" Her voice was bright and cheerful.

"Um...I've been doing pretty well." I really didn't want to tell her that I am back together with Kyle since she flipped out on him when she met him, and also, I have history with both of them.

"Has Kyle been leaving you alone?" Ashley's cheerful voice grows stern as she asks my this. I start to mentally freak out, obviously not knowing what to say. The truth is obviously the right way to go, yet telling a lie protects the three of us and there won't be any conflict.

"No. I haven't seen him since you left. How are you? How's your American tour for Badlands at the moment?" I felt so guilty lying to her, but it was for the best.

"Well, about the tour, I have just finished the U.S. portion, and I am on my way back to the UK!" She cheers on the other line as I just stand in silence just imaging all the shit that could possibly take place.

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Kyle's *POV*

I sit up once more as I watch Dan open the door and crawl into the driver's seat. "You're not going to sit back here with me?" I ask him as I begin to noticed the scared and pissed off look plastered onto his face.

Dan shakes his head before he takes the keys off of the dashboard and forces them into the ignition. Before I get the chance to climb up and sit in the passenger seat he packs the car up, causing me to fall back, and hit my back hard against the leather seats. He swerves out of the parking lot and speeds down the empty street.

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Halsey (Ashley) 's *POV*

I stumble on the plane and run to my seat. It's going to be a long flight and I have to sit between a screaming fan and a fat sleeping man. I take a deep breathe to calm me down. I'm going to see Dan by tomorrow and then everything will be okay...

- - - -

Dan's *POV*

I have been speeding down streets and highways for about five hours with short stops here and there so that Kyle could eat and go do his business.

Ashley had called me about two hours ago while Kyle was asleep telling me that she was on her flight and how there were only seven hours left. I want to see here but seeing her will only bring up problems.

Nothing is right. Nothing was ever right. I pull onto the shoulder and look at Kyle. He's fast asleep, drooling on his shoulder. I give sleeping Kyle and small smile as I park the car and take out the keys. Opening the door, I leave the keys on the seat, I take my phone, charger, and 50 pounds.

My heart shatters as I close the door and run down the shoulder and past the car, not knowing where I am going.

Unseen {Bastille: Dyle} (completed)Where stories live. Discover now