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Three hours ago (Dan's *POV*)

This morning, I woke up and didn't want to go to my damn job. For an hour, I chewed my breakfast as slow as possible. It took me a bloody hour to eat one tiny Pop Tart. That is how badly I do not want to go to work. At seven am, I walked out of the house, and down the street towards the office building.

- - - -

Present hour

I strip off my jacket, hanging it over my chair. Taking a seat, I scoot into the desk, sitting with my head in my hand, and my fingers tapping the desk as I wait for a call to come in.

"Howdy!" Jumping out of my seat, I look up to see a medium sized man standing over me. His blonde hair was up in the smallest bun I have ever seen, the light grey suit reflecting a bit of sunlight, his green eyes staring down upon me, and his smile as white as snow.

"Um...hi?" I spin my chair around to face him, one hand still on the desk.

"You're Daniel, right?" The man asks, leaning an arm on my desk.

I nod, "Yes. But...it's just Dan."

"I'm Chris, but everyone here and practically everyone I know calls me Woody." The man that goes by the name of Woody sticks out his hand, waiting for me to shake it. Either that man wants to be known as the damn cowboy from Toy Story, or he wants everyone to know that he's got a boner around the clock.

I look at his hand before I meet mine with his, shaking it firmly. I let go as soon as the black plastic phone on my desk rings, "Hello, this is Dan speaking."

"Why hello, Danielle." A strange voice says over the other line, "I would like to-" Before they could finish, they break out into laughter, distant voice being hear also laughing over the other line.

"Ha ha. Very funny, Ella. Tell Chlöe and Will that I said hi." I can't help but smile at how ridiculous the three of them are.

"Will do! Have a great day at work, Dan." I hear the phone click and I set it down, hanging it up.

"So, anyway," I look back up at Woody as he starts to speak once more, "Mr. Simmons told me all about you. Well, from everything he knows about you so far."

"Mr. Simmons? And that sounds really pervy."

"Kyle. He said you are probably the most anti-social and awkward person he has ever met."

I look up at him, surprised, leaning back in my chair. "Kyle said that?" Woody nods. I grunt, smirking, nodding, and playing with the cord on the phone. "Ouch. Well, I wouldn't blame him. I was a dick to him yesterday on my first day. I treated him like dirt. I chewed him up and spit him out. I-"

"Ya. Ya. Ya." He shuts his eyes, waving his hand at me, signaling me to stop, "Yes. I get it. You were a twat. You should go redeem yourself."

I shake my head, "No. I think I'm good." The phone rings once more. I extend my arm out to get the phone, but Woody slaps me hand away, pushes the numbers 8, 6, and 7, sending the call to the other phone operator.

"No, Daniel. Now. Go. Kyle is really hurt." He grabs my arm, dragging me up and out of room five, in the elevator, up to floor 20, and into room ten. Woody drags me into an office where I find Kyle standing, looking out of the glass walls, and started big down at the streets and people below.

Woody drops me, I scamper to my feet, collecting myself as Kyle turns around, hands folded behind his back. Woody walks out of the office, leaving my to be alone with Kyle.

"Dan." Kyle steps towards me, hurt and anger burning in his eyes.

"Look, Kyle, I'm so sorry. Let's try out this friend thing, alright?" I backup slightly until my back hits the wall, my eyes still look into his.

"You hurt me, Daniel." Kyle stops, he looks down at his feet, tears forming in his eyes, "I have never really had a friend before and I just wanted to try and make one." He looks up at me, "But apparently I can't! I'm too weird for you?! Really?! I'm the weird one?!" He chuckles, looking back down at his shoes.


"Shut up, Dan."

I shut my mouth, thinking about what to do. Before even realizing it, I had taken Kyle into my arms, letting him cry into my shoulder. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"Friends?" He whispers, looking up at me.

I look down at him, my eyes meeting his, "Friends."

Unseen {Bastille: Dyle} (completed)Where stories live. Discover now