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Kyle's *POV*

"Will, I can't do this anymore! I'm out!" I tell Will as I walk into his flat. I look up to see Will and Woody sitting at his dining room table. Woody looks back at me, then to Will. Chlöe walks into the room, pushing me towards the table, forcing me to sit down.

Will looks up at me, fury burning in his eyes, "Listen to me, you twat. You are not leaving. You are not going to wimp out on us just because you have fallen in love with the lamb! We had lost Ralph after he had quit since him and the target were friends, and now he's dead, and we are not losing you too! You are staying in this group, even if it kills you!"

"Ya, listen, Kyle. We know you love him, but we have to finish our job. We have been on this case for too long." Woody tells me, placing his hand on my arm. I rip my arm from his loose grip, standing up, and stumbling out of my chair.

"Fuck you guys! I am leaving and that's that! Leave me alone!" I storm towards the door and as I leave, Chlöe announces that they will just have to kill me along with the target.

- - - -

I arrive at Dan's flat, drenched from the pouring rain. Dan opens the door almost instantly. He looks at my weirdly before inviting me in. If anyone should be looking at anyone weird, I should be looking at Dan weirdly. He's the one with the fluff of hair sticking out in every direction and has no clothing on except for boxers.

Dan mumbles to me as he walks into the kitchen to make himself some coffee. Not understanding what he had said, I sit at his dining room table, waiting for him to finish his coffee. I stop cold noticing the scars on his stomach and chest by his heart. Last time I saw him shirtless, I never noticed the scar on his stomach, and this is the first time I saw the wound from the bullet from the other night. My heart pounds and I start to sweat, feeling guilty.

I look at his wrist that is covered by his watch and bracelets, causing me to wonder if there's a reason that he never takes them off. Dan walks back over, not bothering to pick up his feet as he walks.

"Hey, Kyle." He murmurs a bit clearer. He takes a sip of his coffee as he sits across from me at the table. "Hey, Kyle?" He mumbles, groggily.

"Yes, Daniel?" I reply.

"Can you get my glasses from my bedroom nightstand? I haven't put my contacts in yet and I can't see shit."

"Sure, Dan. Is your room upstairs?" He nods and I head upstairs, scoping the rooms until I found the occupied bedroom. I automatically found his glasses and head back down the hall. All of a sudden my heart drops as I hear a scream from downstairs. "DAN?!" I shout as I sprint down the hall, down the stairs, and into the kitchen. I stop seeing Dan laying on the floor, a huge crack with hints of blood on the wall above him.

"Don't move." I hear a familiar voice announce from behind me as I feel a gun press to the back of my head. Next thing I know, I hit the floor and everything turns black.

My eyes flash open, a scream escaping my lips, tears falling down my face. I'm in bed. It must have been a nightmare. I look over to see Dan looking at me with concern. "Did you have a nightmare?" He asks, wrapping and arm around me. I lay back down and Dan lays his head on my chest.

"Ya, I did." I reply, staring at the ceiling as I run my fingers through his hair.

"You want to talk about it?" He asks, looking up at me.

I shake my head, "No."

"Okay, that's fine. As long as you feel okay."



"What are we?"

I hear him sigh, "I have no idea, Kyle."

"Can we be more that friends?"


"Ya. Now."

"Yes, Ky." Dan leans up, placing a light kiss on my jaw. I wrap an arm around him as we both fall back asleep.

- - - -

"Dan, what happened yesterday?" I ask him as I wake up, my head pounding.

"You arrived here at ten am, drunk. I brought you inside, then I got a bit drunk myself, and I knew it was a bad idea...but we may or may not have had drunk sex. You fell asleep and I went outside to smoke for about an hour. Then you woke up and had a make out session in our briefs. We had dinner, then we fell asleep. You refused all day to tell me why you were drunk. Then in the middle of the night you had a nightmare and we made it official. We are in a relationship." I chuckle to myself.

"Seems like a good day. I don't regret any of that."

"Ya well I fucking do!" Dan snaps, causing me to jump.

"What? Why?"

"TELL ME, KYLE," He turns away from the glass wall and looks at me, "HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET THAT BULLET WOUND IN YOUR SHOULDER?!"


"I saw they way you looked at my scars on my stomach and chest. You made them didn't you?! I was the one that shot you that night after I was stabbed! Trust me, Kyle. I am not as stupid as I look!"

Tears form in my eyes. I get out of his bed and walk towards him, "Dan, I'm sor-"

"I KNEW IT!" By now we are both crying, "WE ARE NOT IN A DAMN RELATIONSHIP, KYLE! I WISH I NEVER SLEPT WITH YOU! I WISH I NEVER MADE OUT WITH YOU! I WISH I NEVER MET YOU!" I felt my heart shatter as he said those words.

"Dan, look. I love you, okay! I am sorry I ever hurt you! I didn't know you when I stabbed you, okay! And I know, I regret both times, and I am so glad that bullet didn't kill you. I would have killed myself if you died from that bullet. Dan, I'm sorry. My boss made me go after you to kill you! I never wanted to do it!"


"Dan, I arrived here yesterday, drunk, because I had quit and I put us both in danger, and I regret it because it's three against two. I killed us both, Dan, and I am sorry! Please forgive me! I love you and I want us to be together!"

Dan stood there, looking at me in disbelief. "Sit down." Dan tells me in a stern voice. He walks towards me and pushes me back on the bed, getting on top of me. "Well, at least we are dieing together and you get what you deserve for trying to kill me." He smashes his lips against mine, and my guilt suddenly rushes away along with my pain and grief as he sticks a finger under my boxers, trying to pull them off.

- - - -

"Are we a couple again?" I ask Dan as we lay in the bed together, sweat matting out bodies. Dan smiles, nodding.

"But I am still pissed off at you for trying to kill me and I will never get over that, Kyle."

I nod as Dan crawls over and lays on top of me. "I can deal with your anger, but I would not be able to live without you."

Unseen {Bastille: Dyle} (completed)Where stories live. Discover now