epilogue prt. 2

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One month later...

I've been in prison for a month so far from what I can tell and my therapist inside the walls says I have grown insane. Every night my "fits" worsen to the point where I have bruises all over my body plus the open wounds on my knuckles.

Its currently lights out which is around the time my fits start kicking in. I tell them I don't do them on purpose, and honestly, I have tricked myself that I don't. I don't remember the real reason on why they had started in the first place. I can't even remember why I'm in here or the times I had before coming here. The only things I remember are subtle such as the color blue, bold curly hair, beards, and my dead sister Fran. Now, Fran I remember quite throughly. My memories bring me back to the timing of her death to the times where I would call her phone every night just to leave a message although I knew there was nobody there to answer the other line. From time to time I am told that over the cold nights that I sometimes scream for guards so that I can call her and check to make sure she's okay; their answers are always the same: "She's dead, inmate. Now get back to your damn bed. It's lights out!"

I sit on the side of my bed, my hands beginning to twitch as I ball them into fists. Before I know it I am to my feet, tears quickly pouring down my cheeks as I head to the grey brick wall across my cell.

As I let out a dreadful scream, I begin to collide my fists to the wall, sobbing as I punch. Soon enough I am hitting my head against the wall, screaming for someone to let me out.

I need to me let out. I feel like an animal locked inside of the smallest cage.

I fall to the cold, stone floor as I feel something warm trickle down my face. The world starts to spin and everything suddenly grows dark.

- - - -

"Inmate," My eyes flutter open as I hear the guard's vapor from above. As my eyes start to adjust to the lighting, they wander upwards and lock with the guard's standing above me from behind the bars, "You've got a call." Getting to my feet, the guard unlocks the cell and escorts me to where the phone hangs from the wall. I reach out a hand, gripping the phone tightly as I bring it to my ear.

"Dan, is that you?" The familiar voice triggers something in my brain, causing the tears to fall once more.



(Ik this part was short and confusing but that's how it's supposed to be. This part takes place a month after Dan has been arrested and he has been held there and abused to the point where he can't even remember Kyle, Halsey, or Ella which has driven him to insanity. Plus, for the part after he "passes out", you have to use your head a bit to wrap your brain around the section because Dan didn't really "pass out". Just think about it and comment your theories! So anyways, that's why his POV in this part doesn't really make sense because you are reading the story from a madman's POV. ANYWAYS, I hope you guys enjoyed Unseen, and a new book called Castle Street should be on its way shortly along with another update of Colors. CHOw! -Ashton)

Unseen {Bastille: Dyle} (completed)Where stories live. Discover now