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I was correct about my theory before. My boss did fire me as I had believed. I walked out, head down, tail between my legs.

"Dan! Wait!" I hear Kyle yell as he ran up from behind me. My head popped back up at the sound of his voice and I turn around to see him standing in front of me.

"Hey, Kyle." I smile. There was an awkward silence between us before he spoke up, finally breaking it.

"DanIquitemyjob!" He said so fast that it all sounded like a single word. I lift an eyebrow, confused on why he would even do that. Kyle chuckled rolling his eyes. I guess he saw my confused and also concerned look. "Dan, I quite my job. I quite it for you."

I looked at him in awe, a small smile growing on my face. He smiles back, a bit still out of breathe from running down how many floor and his fast talking. I jump up, embracing him in my arms. Kyle slowly wraps his arms around me. I smile, my body feeling some sort of rush, causing me to grow goosebumps on my arms.

Kyle's *POV*

My heart leaps out of my chest as Dan flings his arms around me. My feelings for him growing stronger. I squeeze him lightly before letting go of him.

"Thank you, Kyle. That means so much that you did that for me." Dan kept repeating over and over. The smile on his face was so adorable, his glasses slightly falling to one side, and his hair a tad bit messy and sticking out in all different directions.

"Let's go get something to eat." I smile mainly to make him stop talking.

"Let's go to my place!" He says enthusiastically. I nod and he takes my hand, rushing me out of the building, down the street, and around the corner.

- - - -

Dan's flat was amazing. Clearly he was very wealthy. He had a huge flat made of mainly glass and a huge yard. He lived in a plain nicely cut grass field with about five other house next to his that looked almost exactly the same.

Dan dragged me inside, and set his coat onto a hanger behind the front door. I look around, noticing that you are able to to see everything outside through the glass.

"Damn, Smith." I gasp in awe.

"You like, eh?" I hear him chuckle.

"Well, duh! Who the hell wouldn't?!" I look back to see Dan standing in his dining room, he sighs turns behind him to scan his refrigerator.

"Actually, a lot of people hate it. I've had to replace every glass wall about five times because they keep throwing shit at them and breaking them."

"I'm sorry, Dan." I say, feeling bad for him, as I start to walk towards him. He pulls out left over pizza.

"Is this okay? I really don't want to make anything right now." He frowns, looking up at me, his eyes meeting mine.

I shrug, "It's fine by me." His frowns flips and turns into a smile as he take it out, and pops it in the microwave to let it heat up.

"Want to turn the tellie on?" He asks me, pointing to what I am guessing his his television behind me. I nod in return to see a red curtain behind me. I turn to look back at him as he takes the pizza out.

"It's in there?"

"Mmhmm." He hums, getting out paper plates and napkins, "Follow me." He hands me the pizza and I follow him into a dark room. He snaps his fingers twice, making the lights turn on, revealing basically what you would sit in at a movie theater.

"Holy shit, Daniel!" I shout, setting the pizza down on a small black coffee table that is in front of the front row after I walk down the stairs. Dan sets out two paper plates and a few napkins.

"What movie would you like to watch?" He asks, standing back up straight, looking at me, his blue eyes piercing through me causing my heart to race.

"Anything that you want to watch, I suppose." I tell him, laughing nervously as I feel my hands becoming clammy. Dan smiles and shakes his head.

"I'll surprise you then." He jogs into a room next to the massive screen. I lean against the wall, waiting for him to return outside of the door. "Alright, Kyle!" I hear him shout from inside the room, "I found a classic film, if that's okay with you." He walks out, a smile forming on my lips as I see him appear.

I pin him to the wall that is next to him, staring him down. "K-Ky-" I stop him as I clash my lips against his. As our lips moved in sync, I heard him drop the movie that he had carried out out with him.

Suddenly, I feel him wrap his arms around me, his tongue liking my lip for entrance. I allow him to and our tongues roamed each other's mouths. I hear him slightly moan as I bite his lower lip. After placing one more small kiss on his slightly chapped lips, I pulled away in shock.

"Shit." I mutter. I run out of the room and out of his flat, terrified at what I had started. I hear Dan shout my name from his flat. I don't turn back. I keep running, knowing that I had just ruined our growing friendship.

Unseen {Bastille: Dyle} (completed)Where stories live. Discover now