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"He sounds a tad bit clingy." Ella says as he pops a bag of popcorn in the microwave.

"You should just give up on life and become a male stripper." Chlöe chuckles, sipping her coffee. I scoff at her, flipping her off as she sticks her tongue out at me.

"You know, Dan," Will starts as he walks into the living room, taking a seat next to me, "You could quite this job and make a living in the theater around the corner. At the moment, they're looking for someone to play Frank N. Furter in The Rocky Horror Picture Show."

"I agree with Will! You have a beautiful voice and you would be great as Frank!" Ella exclaims, popping her head into the living room.

"Huh. I guess. I'll give it some thought."

Ella walks in with four blue plastic bowls and two bags of popcorn. "It smells delicious, Ella. Thank you." Chlöe thanks her as she hand her a bowl.

- - - -

That night, I decide to walk down to the theater to see if I can try out for the role of Frank N. Furter because he is the most fabulous fictional character of all time aside from everyone in "Twin Peaks".

I stop in front of the theater, throwing the hood of my grey wolf jacket over my head, and shoving my hands into the jacket pockets. I look down at my outfit. Grey wolf jacket, "Haim" sister IndieMusicFreaks shirt, black skinny jeans, and white converse.

"Ew gross." I mutter. I look back up at the dull lit sign on top of the theater, "But, me likey." I smirk and walk inside with a jump in my step.

"Welcome, sir. Are you here to try out for the part of Frank N. Furter?" A young brunette women with clear freckles and blue eyes smiles, asking my politely.

I nod, smiling back, "Why, yes! I am indeed!" I rock back and forth on my heels, bouncing lightly in my toes as I come forward.

"Well then, sir! Follow me for your audition!" The woman smiles and I follow her out and to a back room where they had the biggest stage in the theater. A smile formed across my face as she handed me a script and set me in line, where from there, I began to wait patiently.

- - - -

The next day was not what you would call a good start to your morning. I woke up late because of the auditions. Perfect. Now I am going to be late and possibly get fired.

Heading out the door I notice Will sitting in my driveway. I slow down my pace, stopping in front of him. "What are you doing here, William?"

Will stands up and sighs as he wipes his hands on his pants, "You can't go to work today." He says casually, smacking his lips together as if everything was fine and dandy.

I cross my arms over my chest, "And why the hell not?"

"Because..." Will sighs, his face now serious, tears building in his eyes, "...Kyle seems like an annoying wanker."

"WHAT THE HELL, MATE?! I AM GOING TO BE FUCKING LATE AND YOU TELL ME THIS SHIT!" I push him away and start running in the direction of the office buildings, knowing that I am dead once my boss sees my stupid face.

I start thinking about what Will had said, and I start to grow angry. Suddenly, I start growing angry at myself for caring. And yes, I know I told Kyle we would be friends, but I truly did not mean it. But now, I feel like I should have meant it.

He did save my life. He did try to my conversation with me. He did want to be my friend. Why yes, in the short time I have known him, I have learned that he can be an annoying bastard, but I also learned that he wants to hear me. I want to be heard, finally. Yes, I do have two amazing friends, Will and Chlöe, and an awesome step-sister, Ella. But now I have someone that truly cares about my feelings and about my life.

I have someone who likes me for who I truly am.

Unseen {Bastille: Dyle} (completed)Where stories live. Discover now