Part 18

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It was now June. I had told Siya about the case and she didn't talk to me for a week, she wasn't happy about it and I didn't blame her. The media was all up in my grill for defending such a man. The case was taking very long, our next court date was in August 12 and that was when we would find out if they sentencing him to life or what and so far it was going good, I was winning. I've lost a few cases before but I couldn't afford to lose this one, this was the case that was going to put my name on the map. Amahle stood by me through thick and thin, the media was on her case but my wife told them where to get off, she wasn't a lawyer but she defended me and made me look like an angel. The wedding preps were a drag! Mahle's mom was back and she was helping Amahle out with everything. Normally the groom is relaxed and just transferring money to take care of everything but that was not the case. Amahle was stressing me out, she was nerve racking. She was suddenly moody and clingy, there were days she didn't go to work or days where she went to work and wanted me to spend the day with her. It was crazy if you ask me. She was emotional and all that, this person cried about EVERYTHING! she cried because her dresses didn't fit her or she would cry because I moved something from where it once was. She was just something else I swear. We were left with a month between us and our wedding so I decided we leave the country with Iyana and just go for a holiday so she can cool off. We headed to the airport and Iyana was super excited as though she knew where we were going. This time around I was taking my wife to Paris, France. I know you probably expect Paris to be the place for our honeymoon but it's not the perfect place for a honeymoon if you ask me. Thing is everyone goes there for their honeymoon and I don't want to be cliché. We boarded the plane and as it left the ground I suddenly felt the need to puke so I ran to the loo. Mahle came in after a few minutes.

Her: Everything ok?

Me: I don't know. Suddenly I'm air sick

Her: or you ate something that messed up your stomach

Me: maybe. Do you still have those pills of yours?

Her: yeah I do. I'll go fetch them

Just as she walked out I felt another urge to puke. Normally its Ama who is like this but not today, things were different this time around. I felt horrible, my head was burning up even. I went to them and she gave me the meds. I was sweating heavily

Her: Damon we can always go to a hospital

Me: I'm fine love chill. I just need to sleep that's all

Iya: daddy what's wrong? Boobie what's wrong with daddy?

Me: I have a stomach bug Yaya

Her: are you going to be ok? Did you drink pills?

Me: yes, Yaya I did.

Ama: did Iya just call me Boobie?

Me: yep

I chuckled

Ama: uyaphapha! It's not her name

Me: yeah well I call you by it and she likes it. Do you know that she sometimes calls me Nuni?

Ama: your daughter is something else I swear

Me: yeah well she got these things from you

Ama: you lucky you sick otherwise I would be all on you like a rash

Me: haha you know very well it would go the other way round right

Ama: even when you sick Bess, you still have time for sexual innuendo's

Me: hahaha blame you for it. You bring out the pervert in me

Iyana was sitting on the other side concentrating on the game she was playing with was making a lot of noise by the way. I got up to puke again and came back.

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