Chapter 13

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It would be a terrible lie if Jennie tell that it didn't hurt. How can a person treat you like you are her own world then in a minute, she change to keep you as nothing but a mere servant. And that's how Jennie feel right now.

She blame herself for blurting out a confession, she should have keep it hiding to the pitch bottom but due to the overwhelming feeling she experienced right there, Jennie just spoke without thinking about the consequences.

Jennie stood in front of Jisoo room in silence. Tears fell down her face and this time there was nobody to wipe them away.

She threw things, ruined other things, messed up another thing, but when the roaring fire turned into the glow of a lighter, and she looked around at the tornado she created, and everyone was right. She was the problem in everyone's life. In her's, in her parents's, in jisoo's, in everyones.

In this moment she could feel the hand of darkness hold her tight and enclose her in its palm.


Jennie woke up in the middle of the darkness night when she feel a thunder strike outside the window, she curl herself into small ball and gripping on the blanket tight.

" I miss you... mom!!!"

Jennie feel a lump in her throat as tears threatens to fall again.

" I was wondering, how could thing be if you still here with me."

" If you are still here, I wouldn't caught up with the stupid deal that I agreed with.."

" Then I would not meet Jisoo here..." she start sobbing.

" I don't know mom...."

" I just knew her for a short period of time, but she means the world to me." Her lip quiver.

" But I guess.. i guess I am just nobody to her"

She'd been crying, so her voice still cracked and caught in her throat, the sobbing still going on until she fell asleep.


Nayeon glancing at jennie from time to time as she noticed the exhausted look and a swollen eyes. She knew something is not right but she didn't dare to ask, however this morning Jisoo order her to do Jennie's work which is very strange.

" Ehemmm!!" She clear her throat.

" Are you sick??"

Jennie shake her head with a small smile before go back to what she's doing.

Nayeon sighs, this is not a good sight to see because Jennie usually very bubble and bright.

" By the way, I will move to chaeyoung house in a few days." Jennie informed.

" what?? How could you just tell me??" Nayeon frowned.

" I'm not sure... I thought thing might change but I still end up moving!!" Jennie looking toward jisoo's room.

" Did you have a fight with lady Jisoo?" Nayeon ask.

" It's not really a fight.."

" It's a reality check for us... more like a reality check for me."

" I shouldn't dream of it since the first place because it's impossible.."

" there was no relationship between us... it was all in my head." Jennie spoke and there was sadness in her voice.

Nayeon went to engulf Jennie in her arms and rubbing Jennie's shoulder slightly in sympathy. She doesn't know what actually happened but she doesn't like seeing any of them sad or hurt by any means.

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