49. It Is Time

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''Rabbit!'' She declared.

''Oh my dear things in wonderland are all upside down.'' He informed her

''What do you mean? Like literally?'' Alice questioned

''No no well... i mean I suppose anything is possible. But the Red Queen is on a rampage. I fear i cannot stop her. I need you Alice!"

''What's to happen to wonderland if she wins?''

''No one will be safe.''

''Can you take me to wonderland?'' Alice pondered "Can you make sure I stay there this time?"

''You would help stop her?'' The rabbit questioned

''Could you bring me and my... family. They could help.'' Alice assured him.

''Yes yes.'' The rabbit agreed eagerly.

"I wouldn't come popping back here?" Alice asked needing to be sure. Rabbit tilted his head back and forth. "Rabbit!"

"That's the hope!" He offered.

''Can we leave now? Today? Right now!'' Alice begged ''before its too late.''

''Oh yes! Right now!" the rabbit agreed as Alice ran off. "Where are you going?"

"To get my family." Alice called over his shoulder. "Be ready rabbit!"

"I will get the hole ready!" Rabbit declared.


"As we sin, so do we suffer." Ned was being brought from his cell to the stage to confess his crimes but Alice thought for sure he was going to lose his head.

"Petyr!! Petyr! Petyr!" Alice declared shuffling to a stop in front of him.

"Alice where were you?" Petyr asked pulling a leaf from her hair.

"I need you to get Ned. He can't lose his head." Alice told him quickly.

''What?' Petyr questioned

'Petyr I love you but Ned is family, I won't let him die.'' Alice begged

''What are you planning?''

''The three of us are going on an adventure'' Alice told him vaguely.

''Alice love-''

''Trust me.'' Alice begged ''just get him.''

''How should I distract the guards?'' Petyr offered

''Let me handle that.'' Alice told him innocently.

''Alice,'' he warned

''Petyr please. Hes my friend.''

''Be careful Alice.'' Petyr instructed kissing her quickly. "I don't want you losing your head either."

"Eddard Stark of Winterfell is here today to confess his crimes..." They looked off stage for Ned to be brought forward but there was no Ned.

"What are you doing?" Ned spat.

"Alice." Petyr answered pushing him along.

"I'm going to confess, beg for mercy." Ned told him. "You get what you want, me gone."

"Stop talking." Petyr hissed pushing him forward.

"Are you going to kill me Petyr?" Ned asked "Is that it?"

"Nonsense." Alice assured and they turned around. "Petyr is a big love, not as well a fighter." Petyr rolled his eyes.

"What's going on Alice?" Ned asked moving to her. "You broke me out?" Alice nodded. She didn't move, so he thought it was probably okay to touch her face. Petyr watched with distaste.

"You can call me Princess charming, saving the damsels in distress." Alice offered with a little laugh. Her skin was as soft as it looked, white and smooth as porcelain.

"Ready Alice?" Rabbit asked and Petyr and Ned flinched back.

"Talking rabbit." Petyr remarked a hand on his racing heart.

"You see him too?" Ned asked confused.

"Alice. It is time." Rabbit assured.

"I'll just say it, Petyr, Ned, follow me down this rabbit hole...'"

Lets take a trip down the rabbit hole.

Book 2 Mad Woman

Wonderland // Ned Stark // Petyr Baelish (1)Where stories live. Discover now