Chapter Twenty One

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"We're all just stories in the end."


"Chloe," my name was snarled out of his lips. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to threaten them, but I didn't know what else to do. I didn't know who I could actually trust. My hands were shaking as I stared at the three people in front of me.

Lacey, Justin and Rocco all stood before my front porch, staring at me- who happened to be in the door way of my house, being held back by nothing but the slim silver kitchen knife that rested in my shaking hands. It wasn't much of a weapon, considering these were monsters standing in front of me.

"Only Lacey," My voice shook as I held the dagger in front of me as my only source of protection. At least two werewolves were standing in front of me at the moment, I wasn't exactly sure if Lacey was human- I wasn't exactly sure about anything. My hands were shaking and Justin pushed Lacey behind him.

"Not happening," He growled out, his normal friendly expression replaced by a menacing snarl. He positioned his body to completely block her from view, eyes narrowing on my only weapon.

"Lacey, only." I tried to demand again, my voice shaking and cracking as my eyes locked with the feral beast in front of me.

Thump. Thump. Thump. I could hear my own heart beat, as if my heart had rose from my chest into my head. I was staring into the eyes of the man I actually had feelings for; the very same man who also happened to be a werewolf.

His face was hard. Jaw clenched, obsidian eyes as dark as black can get. They were bearing into my soul.

His lips parted and his sweet tongue threw words at me. "Drop it. Chloe."

His words were heavy, demanding. My jaw dropped along with my eyes as I watched the goosebumps rise on my skin, and as if they were being pried open, each finger picked itself up and the knife made a thud as it hit the front porch. The weight I felt on me reminded me of the time his father had demanded me to not speak of the fight between Rocco and Damon. My eyes widened as I gaped at Rocco and then the knife rattling against the floor. I didn't know what he had done but he held some kind of power and it terrified me.

I was frozen. Everything around me wasn't though. In seconds, Lacey stepped out from behind Justin. Justin flew behind me, opening my front door as wide as it would go. Rocco advanced towards me, his big callused hands clamping down on my waist with an iron grip before I was lifted and carried into my house. The front door slammed behind us.


The moment my bottom hit the chair below me, I was ready to bounce up. I would have, actually, if there weren't two gigantic hands pinning my thighs down. I focused on his lips because it was they were the only things about him that didn't intimidate me that much.

"Listen here, baby doll." His pretty lips moved. "That will be the last time you ever threaten me or my packmates," His voice was so husky and deep I felt like it was swallowing me. His thick fingers landed under my chin almost too roughly and tilted my head back. His eyes met mine and I was nearly shaking in my seat. "You hear me little doll?"

I tried my best to nod even though he was holding my head back by my hair.

"Good girl," He purred out "Now darlin', seems like we've got a lot of discussing to do." His hands ran down my thighs and he gave me a scorching look that said "Don't move."

I instantly felt lighter when his hands left my legs. Lacey was standing a couple feet away from me, Justin slight in front of her, his eyes hard, glaring down at me and watching my every movement. Lacey nuzzled her head into his shoulder and I watched him visibly relax.

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