Chapter Three.

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"The trouble with resisting temptation is that you may not get another chance."



"Holy crap, Calvin! You scared me." I yelped, staring into my brothers bright blue eyes. He cracked a smile, showing some emotion towards me.

"Some guys want to meet you." He said, "Please, so I can sit with them at lunch." He looked at me pleadingly, popularity always meant most to him, and I knew it must be hard for him to start over in a new school.

"Alright," I agreed, following behind him when he walked away. We walked up to a table, which I immediately recognized as the popular kids. Designer clothes and good smelling clothes, nicely dyed hair and perfect smiles. A few greeted Calvin when we walked over, and I noticed how in place Calvin looked when he sat down with them. These were the kind of kids he normally hung out with.

"So this is her, Calvin?" One guy asked, looking me over like I was a piece of meat. The stares the guys were giving me was rather repulsive, and the girls all seemed to be ignoring me. Calvin looked up at me, and I knew it was time for me to speak.

"Yeah, I'm Calvin's sister. I'm Chloe." I smiled at them, a seductive smile- I hope. It seemed to work, because the guy sitting across from Calvin forced the kid next to him to move, and patted the spot next to him.

"Sit here babe," He offered the seat and I looked at Calvin before sitting down. He gave me an encouraging nod, before I took the seat. A pretty brunette female began chatting with Calvin, his flirting skills immediately coming into tact. The boy who offered me the seat slid his arm over my shoulder, pushing a piece of his hair out of his face.

"I'm Ron," He smiled, leaning in closer to me, "We should get to know each other better."

I felt like laughing in his face, his breath smelt like cigarettes but he was pretty attractive. He had gauges in his ears, his brown hair perfectly spiked up in some places yet it looked soft. He looked artsy and hipster, the kind of guys I hung out with back in my old school.

"I'm Chloe," I smiled back, "And I should get going." Ron laughed as I stood up from my chair, scurrying away back to the table where Leo and his friends sat. I grabbed my bag just when the bell rang, flinging it over my shoulder, letting my black hair roll over my shoulders. Making my way to my next class, which was gym, I managed to get lost, and at this point I was wandering in the silent, empty walls.

"I just shouldn't go," I spoke out loud, to myself, and looked at the class I had after gym. Art. Excitement flashed through me, I had always been a huge fan at art and it was the last period of the day. I tracked down my art class room, surprised to find it empty, checking twice- I knew I was in the right place.

I peaked my head through the door, flicking on the lights of the classroom. I was just curious of what the classroom looked like, I couldn't get in trouble for just looking. The bell was about to ring anyway, and I felt almost guilty for cutting gym- but whatever, I couldn't find it. I was pulled to the empty canvas in the corner of the classroom, the only empty one. I put my messenger bag down and drifted my fingers down the rough feeling paper, my eyes flickering to the paint and brushes next to me, each one unopened.

Just a peek. I told myself as I opened up the paint, inhaling the sweet smell of it. The color was swirled and almost taunting me to pick up a paint brush, which was what I did. I dipped the dry brush into the black paint, letting my hand sway back and forth, the brush skimming the paper, designing it with a coat of fresh paint.

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