Chapter Twenty

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"The strong must protect the sweet."


I could feel the air whipping around me, but I was going to quickly to think. All I knew was that the ground was not far below me and I could see the large beast, the monster-Rocco had yelped out loud and dove towards me. I'd rather smash into the ground than be caught by that terrible beast.

Before I knew it, my torso had crashed into something awfully hard and I bit my tongue- no doubt drawing blood. This time, I felt like I was falling except the wind was going the wrong way. Like I was being pulled up. I was confused and it didn't help that the back of my head smacked into what looked like my window sill.

Forcing my eyes open, I looked into the mysterious eyes of Damon, who was pulling me into my bedroom looking extremely determined. I was tossed down on my bed, bouncing once into the sheets and managed somehow to catch my breath. Damon stepped backwards, staring me down as he pinched the bride of his nose. Somehow he had managed to jump into the air, catch me and pull me into my window.

He was panting. I was panting.

"This is all really messed up, isn't it?" He grunted out as I clutched my side in pain. Damon moved quickly, too quickly for me to protest and he lifted up my shirt. I tried to scream but it came out as a gasp. I went to shove him away but my body was trembling. I must be dreaming, I felt like I was in a daze- in a dream.

"Monster," I stuttered and whimpered out, squeezing my eyes shut. I was trembling; I was terrified and the brother of the beast was standing by my bedside. An ear piercing scream flew out of my mouth before I even knew it. A hand had been laid over my mouth and my eyes snapped open.

Damon's blue eyes showed fury as he stared into my eyes. "Stop, now." His tone with demanding and shined with power. I tried my best to sink into my bed, wishing it would swallow me whole. My thoughts were going so quickly, my heart rate had increased, my breathing was labored and tears flooded my eyes.

I couldn't wrap my head around it. He was human- muscles and bones and human teeth- hair in only the right places- I had trusted him. I felt ill; insane. In a moments time, the man I had actually trusted and not only lusted for- I liked him, had turned into a monster.

A hairy, terrifying, over-sized beast. A wolf. Just thinking about it made me dizzier.

"You're a stupid girl, Chloe." Damon chuckled, his hand letting go of my mouth. I inhaled quickly, preparing myself to scream again. Damon realized what I was about to do and before I could manage to make a noise his fingers were shoved into my mouth. I shrieked, biting down on his fingers. He didn't flinch.

Quickly, he pulled his fingers out of my mouth and covered my lips once again with his hand. A few tears escaped my lips in frustration. I was practically frozen in shock, my hands not moving- but my body was shivering with fear.

"Isn't it all supposed to make sense now? Everything you've questioned about is supposed to fall into place? Or are you too stupid to think?" Damon snapped at me, making my eyes widen in surprise. Nothing made sense. I was scared and confused. I didn't want to think about it. I wanted to forget.

I was shaking my head and I wasn't sure if I was doing it because I wanted his hand to get off my face or because I was trying to shake the thoughts out of my head. I must be insane. Damon began getting blurry, my sight messing up because of the tears swimming in my eyes.

I didn't even realize Damon's hand let go of my mouth and cupped my cheek. Tears were pouring out of my eyes and I barely noticed Damon's blurry figure lean in towards me. When I did- it was too late. I flinched away from him, but I was too slow.

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