Breakfast and making demands

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{Y/N's P.O.V}

I walk into the open field and pluck some fruit off the trees for breakfast. Some apples and oranges. I look around for some other things when I see a boar. Bacon, ok. I grab my bow, draw back and arrow and it goes flying. It hits the boar right in the middle of his head.
"Woah." I turn to see Felix with a bow in his hand.
"Did I steal your prey? I'm sorry." I said sweetly and sincerely.
"Well you did but that was cool to watch. I have never seen a girl shoot like you." I smiled
"I've been by myself for a very long time." He looks down sadly then looks up abruptly.
"Oh I wanted to say sorry for my actions." Wow he is being so sweet. Maybe he isn't so bad.
"Look Felix, I get it. You clearly have been here a long time, the only thing you know is to be cautious about people who randomly appear out of nowhere." He nods his head and walks over to the boar. I looked up and saw rather large eggs in a nest, I shrugged and floated up to the nest and grabbed the eggs placing them in my bag. As my feet made contact with soil, I turned to Felix and smiled. His eyes were wide.
"It's still shocking to see someone besides Pan use magic." Oh yeah, I forgot.
"Let's go back to camp." He smiles at me and we walk back to camp. He is just as handsome as Peter but in different ways. The scar on his face just adds to the allure. As we walk into camp I spot Peter and he looks angry. I tilt my head to the side and turn to Felix, handing him the eggs and fruit.
"Take these into the kitchen for me. I need to speak to Peter." I walk to Peter he still has his eyes on Felix.
"Peter? Why do you look angry?" He is still shooting daggers into Felix's skull. I scoff and grab Peter's face towards me.
"Excuse me, your Majesty, but I would prefer you to look at me when I speak to you please." I said nicely but forcefully. He looks into my eyes and he softens.
"Why was Felix with you?" I see.
"He showed up when I was getting stuff for breakfast. I accidentally took his kill. He carried it and apologized for his actions." He nods.
"Is that all?" I cooked one of my eyebrows up.
"Do you want it to be more? Peter, I haven't even been here for 24 hours. There is no way I could develop something that soon with something who was aggressive towards me." I let go of his face and walked towards the kitchen. He follows me like a lost puppy.
"If you don't stop that, the boys will look at you differently. Go out and play some games close by. I will holler for everyone  when breakfast is ready.

*30 minutes later*

"BOYS!!! COME GET FOOD!!!" I hear a bunch of screams for excitement and boys running towards me.
"Go sit at the table I will bring the food out. Peter will you help me?" He followed me into the kitchen.
"Wow what's all this?"
"Oh um eggs and bacon with some fresh fruit and juice. Is it bad?"
"No it looks wonderful and it smells amazing." We take the food out and everyone starts eat. After about 10 minutes of no talking and eating I lean over to Peter.
"Hey, umm can I make a few requests?" He nods because he has a mouth full of food. I cleared my throat so everyone looks up at me.
"Hey guys, I know I just got here but I would like to ask you all to do something for me. I don't wanna be trouble or cause any trouble to thought that this was the best way. As you can all see, I can hunt and hold my own against one and anything. I am not like most girls. And as you all saw this morning I can do magic. I'm gonna be doing normal 'motherly' stuff like cook food, clean clothes tend wounds all that stuff. If I tell you to eat something or drink something the best thing to do is listen and do it. If I'm gonna be mother I expect my children to listen to me. I won't be 'bossing' around the older boys for they don't need a mother, but for the older boys, if you have any questions that Peter here probably won't know, you can come to me." They all nod then one snarky boy stands up and speaks to me.
"Why should we listen to a girl like you?" I make him float in the air with his arms to his sides and bring towards me.
"Because I won't hesitate to make you listen." I gently place him back into his seat and he looks at Peter.
"Are you gonna let her talk to us like this?"
"I don't really wanna be at the end of those powers. Not saying that she is strong then me, I don't really wanna test if she is." He smirks at me.
"Anymore questions?" Philip raises to his feet.
"Does this mean you are mother now?" I look at him and smile, holding my arms out for him to come hug me. He jumps into my arms.
"Yes sweetie I am mother." I look at Peter and he seems very happy. I look over at Felix and he nods with a smile. He seems like he will be a very good friend. But I can't really see him being anything more than that. I don't want Peter to kill him.
"Do you think you could save magic if you stay here?"
"Well I can try. Not sure how much help I could be. But I will try ok dear." I smiled.

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