Admitting feelings

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{Y/N's P.O.V}

Tilly and I walked into my hut so I could put on my outfit for the day.

Tilly and I walked into my hut so I could put on my outfit for the day

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*your outfit*

"So Tilly what seems to be on your mind?" She looks nervous.
"What's wrong sweetie?"
"Mom, what does it mean when you start blushing every time a certain person touches you? Or when your stomach flips when they smile at you? Or you feel pain when someone else does what you want to do?"
"Are you talking about Felix?" She looks down to the ground and nods.
"It means you love him. And when I say that I mean that you want to be with him. When you saw E/N kissing him, what did you feel?"
"I felt like she took what was meant to be mine."
"The kiss?" Tilly nods again.
"Have you told him?" She widened her eyes.
"No. What if he doesn't feel the same way I do?"
"What if he does? What made you think about this?"
"Well I was playing my flute in our tent and he was singing while playing with my hair. Then I ran out after kissing his cheek and he started to chase me. When he caught up to me he was being very romantic, playing with my hair again and caressing my face. Then I questioned where I was going to sleep. I'm not sleeping in here anymore, I'm too old. He said I should sleep with him in his tent being very serious-"
"That's a lovely idea!!!"
"Really?" I nodded at her.
"You need to tell him how you feel my sweet girl."
"How do I do that?" I smiled at her.
"Take back what was stolen from you by E/N." She blushed brightly and nodded.

{Felix's P.O.V}

I was staring at the hut Tillianna and
Y/N were talking in and hoping I could explain what happened with E/N. My little Gem looked heartbroken. Suddenly the door opens. Tillianna takes a deep breath then walks up to me.
"Tillianna please let me expl-" I was cut off by a sweet kiss. She looked at me and smiled. I grabbed her face gently and kissed her again. God I've been dreaming of kissing her.

The kiss was soft and gentle and it felt like a million years was packed into it

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The kiss was soft and gentle and it felt like a million years was packed into it. She looked into my eyes and I smiled at her.
"What was that for Gem?"
"That's what your first kiss on Neverland should've been like. It was stolen from you. I'm fixing it." I caressed her face again and gave her a light peck.
"Will you stay with me?" I asked her.
"Forever." She smiled at me. Then we hear Pan clear his throat. I freeze, I totally forgot he was there. I turned around to look at the King. He looks annoyed. Tillianna steps in front of me as if to protect me from Pan.
"Don't even think about hurt him father. I love him, if you don't like that then I guess you and I will be enemies." She professes. I look at her shocked.
"You love me?" She turned to face me again.
"Was it not obvious Felix?" I shuttered at the way my name sounds coming from her throat.
"How long have you loved me?"
"I told you I saw an angel that was hurt when I was born didn't I?" Smiled at her, she walked closer to me and touches my scar again. My eyes flutter closes and I put my hand over hers.
"What is going on here!?" We hear E/N screech. I turned my head at her. She storms over to Tillianna and slapped her across the face.
"HE'S MINE!!!"
"HOW DARE YOU!!!" Pan screams at her. Tillianna got up slowly and looks at E/N in the face. She walks closer to her as
E/N cowers in fear.
"First, you steal my kiss from him. Then you claim him when he isn't yours to claim. Now you harm me in my father's realm. Do you realize how bad of a mistake you have made?" Now, it's all four of us surrounding her. Y/N's and Tillianna's eyes are glowing, Pan has his fists clenched, and I have my club at the ready.
"Don't hurt her!!!" Wendy cries out.
"And why not? She slapped me."

She didn't mean any of it. She honestly believed that Felix liked her." I look over at her confused.
"How? I made no moves, I ignored her flirts, I literally tried to avoid her at all costs."
"All the boys like me. I just have to make them." Suddenly, Tillianna's hand is around her throat.
"You force men to like you? And if they don't? What then, you blackmail them?" She sounds dark. I go in front of her and put my hand on hers.
"She's not worth it love. You don't want her blood on your hands." I took her hand away and kissed it. I placed it on my face as she turned her eyes in my direction.
"Please my Gem. I can't protect you from that sorrow and guilt." I gently guide her away from E/N and take her to my tent.
"Where does Y/N want you to stay?" I looked at her.
"She told me I should stay with you." I sit down on the bed, spread my legs and held my arms out. She smiled and crawled in front of me, laid down and cuddled with me. It felt so... right. And she laid her head on my chest, I played with her hair. She sighs with satisfaction. Then she looked up at me, right into my eyes. She gets up and gets close to me.
"You know, I told you how I felt. But you never responded."
"I never responded to you saying that you love me?" She nodded. I gently grab her face and pull her close but before our lips touched I whispered to her.
"I love you too Tillianna." And she closed the gap between us. As we kissed I glided my hands around her waist and her hands went around my neck. She ran her fingers through my hair as our kiss got more passionate and deep. We pulled away.
"I will always love you." She smirked a smirk I see very often. She slightly pushed me down and got on top of me.
"Should I tell you about my dream last night Felix?" I bit my lip.

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