Punishment and a proposal

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[hint: bold singing is Felix bold and underlined is both Felix and Tilly]

{Peter's P.O.V}

"She has to be punished!!!" I yelled. Y/N still had a hold on E/N's shadow.
"I have an idea my dear. Care to let go of her shadow?" Y/N looks at me confused until I pull my flute out. I looked at Y/N's friend and Killian and mouthed something to them.
*Cover your ears* they did so and I started to play a soft tune. Y/N started swaying and soon after added some vocals. Wendy and E/N were so entranced they couldn't take their eyes off me and Y/N. Soon her vocals darkened and so did the sky. My shadow came down and picked up Wendy but she didn't even notice. Shortly after, Y/N detached itself from Y/N. A painless process. It swooped down and grabbed E/N's without her noticing.
"Take them away and never let them come back." I told my shadow. He just nodded and looked at Y/N's shadow. He held out the hand that wasn't holding Wendy towards her shadow and she grabbed it. Hand in hand, they sored through the sky to take these stupid girls home.
"Even your shadows like each other. That's so cute." B/F said.
"Why did we need to cover our ears?" Killian asked.
"That spell erases memories. They won't remember Neverland and everything that happened here." I explained
"Why didn't Y/N have to cover her ears?" B/F asked.
"I'm part of the spell. I helped make it. The only people who aren't affected are the people with our blood and Felix."
"Why Felix?" Killian asked.
"Tillianna would be devastated if he forgot her." All of a sudden, we all beat another pan flute and a guitar. Everyone follows the sound and we end up in our camp. Tillianna is playing the flute and Felix is playing the guitar. I listened to the time closely and started to play with her. I could see she wanted to say something.

{Felix's P.O.V}

I was playing the guitar while Tillianna was playing the flute. Then we hear a second flute and it's Pan. Tillianna starts to sing to me.

~I'll swim and sail on savage seas
With never a fear of drowning
And gladly ride the waves of life
If you would marry me

I look at her in shock.

~No scorching sun nor freezing cold
Will stop me (on my journey, sorry!)
If you will promise me your heart and love me for eternity.
~My dearest one, my darling dear
Your mighty words astound me
But I've no need for mighty deeds
When I feel your arms around me
~But I would bring you rings of gold
I'd even sing you poetry (oh, would you?)
And I would keep you from all harm
If you would stay beside me
~I have no use for rings of gold
I care not for your poetry
I only want your hand to hold
I only want you near me
To love and kiss to sweetly hold
~For the dancing and the dreaming
Through all life's sorrows
And delights
I'll keep your laugh inside me
I'll swim and sail a savage seas
With never a fear of drowning
I'd gladly ride the waves so white
And you will marry me!


think Tillianna just proposed to me. And I think I said yes? Tillianna walks over to me.
"My dear Felix, my Onyx Knight. I love you and I want you to be with me forevermore. You will become my husband?" I smiled at her as she pulled out an onyx ring.

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