Chapter 13 Plans

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I promised myself that I wouldn't let it get to me. But my heart doesn't seem to understand that. It's been a week and since he came in here with Libby he hasn't been back. Maybe Libby didn't like me, maybe I said something wrong, maybe... it's really messing with my concentration. I remind myself that Hunter has a life, a busy one. And, it's not like we're real friends or anything. Also Libby was genuinely nice, the kind of person I could see myself really getting along with.

I'm sure my number of screw ups, gaining in number each day, has not gone unnoticed. Thankfully Kara hasn't gotten on my case yet. I watch in agony for the clock to hit 3, then I can go and bury myself in a stack of imaginary worlds. No one can avoid or ignore me there.

Finally! 3 O'clock, and a Friday. I try to make myself smile but I fail. I'm about to untie my apron when the door chimes. I look to the back for John but he's nowhere to be found. I sigh and take my place back behind the counter, still craning my neck to find John, maybe he's still in the front, I could have sworn he was cleaning tables just a few minutes ago.

"Hi, Ellie... right...?"

I snap to attention. Libby stands right in front of me, wearing the same disarming smile as last time.

"Yeah," I reply, a bit dumbstruck, but I recover quickly. "Libby... Hunter's friend." I put emphasis on the word friend, not on purpose. It just slipped out. Now I'm nervous she'll think I'm a freak.

But her smile just grows wider. "Uh huh," she replies.

"So what can I get for you?" I take down her order, in a hurry to leave but happy to be helping a customer I know.

"So, Hunter tells me you're a writer." She starts up a conversation very easily.

I'm just so glad she doesn't seem to hate me, I have to hold back grinning like a moron.

"Yeah," I say. "Only by spoken word at the moment, but I'm hoping that'll change soon."

"Cool, what kind of writer are you?"

I laugh, "People always ask me that. I write stories, long and short, some poetry, and a couple of very bad songs."

"Who says they're bad?"

"I do, and as long as I'm alive and breathing no one else will ever see them."

"You should show them to Hunter. He'd know how to fix them, or even tell you if they're any good or not."

I am grateful for her offer, even though it's not her time or energy she's offering. I shake my head and hand her the finished order.

"So, what do you do?" I ask.

"I am a hair and makeup specialist."

That explains a lot. She is definitely one who seems to understand detail. It also makes me aware of how horrible I must look. I think I threw on some mascara this morning, but it never lasts. And I haven't been sleeping like I should, there is too much to do.

"Really." I try to sound enthusiastic, like I couldn't imagine a more exciting job.

Just then John comes out from the back, I can see the red mark on his cheek where he rested his head on something. Yep, napping again.

"Oh, there you are. I'm taking off; have a good night," I say in a rush. John likes to use 'Oh just one more thing' to keep me around. After my first week and 5 extra hours of 'just one more thing' I learned a lesson I won't soon forget.

I dart out from behind the counter, grabbing my bag and throwing it over my back. To my surprise Libby is still standing off to the side where we were talking. She starts walking out with me.

"So," I say, not sure what to talk about, "busy lately?" I'm not trying to pry. I just really need to know.

Libby shrugs, "Hunter's away, touring fairs, I'm going with him on tour but... I have a wedding to do so I'm sticking around here."

'Duh, Ellie!' I tell myself. 'He's very busy; don't take everything so personal,' I scold myself. "Do you miss him?" It's a stupid question to ask but it seemed like the right thing to ask.

Sheepishly, she nods, "It's just hard, you know," she mumbles.

I don't but I nod my head in sympathy. We are now standing out on the sidewalk, just chatting like old friends, and I am completely thrilled.

"I'm that way." I gesture behind me.

"Me too," she says, a touch of a smile in her voice.

"So, Hunter said you're not from around here," she feeds into a new topic.

"No, where I'm from compared to here seems as far away as the moon from the earth. I trust you have heard about all of my embarrassing moments by now?" I tense up for the response, if he actually thinks of me as anything beyond a strange girl I could find out from Libby. I don't know why but his opinion of me matters a great deal, though we hardly know each other.

"They weren't all that embarrassing," she reassures with a light laugh in her voice.

"Thanks," I say. So he has talked about me. "Uh, how long have you and Hunter... uh." I stop short. Another stupid question, she's going to get annoyed with me real fast.

"A little over two months," is all she offers up.

"Sorry," I stammer, "I'm not one of those people who thinks before they speak."

This produces a wide smile, "No, it's fine; I'm just not used to talking about it. Our friends all knew when we started. I don't think anyone's ever asked. I guess I'd better get used to it though."

I stop at my van, happy I decided to drive today, if I would have walked I would have gone in the opposite direction. "This is mine. It was nice running into you." I mean it from the bottom of my heart. My fears and worries have all evaporated.

"Yes, it was," she agrees. "Hey, what are you doing tomorrow night?"

Okay, if there was anything more surprising in my life than that question, it would have to be either seeing Hunter's signature on the bottom of that bill in the Diner or waking up in a hospital and not being able to remember my own name.

"Um..." I was planning on staying in and writing all weekend, but even I have to admit that makes me sound like a freak. I remember a flyer on the builtin board in my building and I grab hold of the idea. "I was thinking of checking out a live music thing at a bar near my home." It was the only thing I could think of under pressure.

"That sounds like fun. Mind if I tag along?"

She must be saying that just to be nice. I'd better give her at least one way to get out of it.

"Don't you have that wedding job?"

"Oh, the wedding? It's in the early afternoon. I'll be done long before the evening. Tell you what, let me give you my number and you can text me the details."

We exchange numbers and say goodbye. I get into the van a little dazed. I am not really sure if that really just happened. Then I can't stop smiling, I made a friend! The realization hits me like a stone wall. As I turn the key in the ignition I gasp to myself, 'what am I going to wear!?'

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