Chapter 1

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Several months later

The very first tragic thing to happen in my life. Was my birth. I didn't ask to be conceived, nor did I consent to this. But It happened anyway.

The second most tragic thing to happen to me was joining the Military. I don't know why the actual fuck I joined the Military. I signed away years of my life to work here, it was a stupid dare my friends had me do, and to their surprise I actually did it. Fucking bastards.

It was also because I said no to a bunch of high-paying jobs, as I got this pathological need for stimulation. But.. Damn, it's been so long. I've actually made it to Lieutenant rank. I did, but that doesn't mean I know how I did it.

"Shit-" I lock my right leg around my opponents knees, pull him closer by grabbing the neck of his uniform, and throw him over my shoulder. "I advise that you observe your opponents every move." I helped my adversary up and patted him on the shoulder, "better luck next time." A Sergeant burst into the training room,

"(L/n), Shepard wants to see you in his office."
"Alright everybody take 10." I announced and followed the officer to Shepards' office.
Here I am, being called into Shepards office, probably because I almost shot a couple of people. It's not my fault they were getting in the way of my targets. I'm supposed to be training them but the dumbasses would mess around too fucking much.
Anybody can see that I'm the immature type. But I was still appointed to Lieutenant. Makes me question their choices.

I hesitate to knock on the door but do it anyway because I ain't no pussy. "Come in." The creak of the door opening has Shepard look up to meet me, "Thank you for coming Lieutenant (L/n)-" "Look, it wasn't my fault. He got in my way and you know I have anger issues, respectfully sir, the slightest shit makes me angry." "..That wasn't what I was going to say but either way you should work on that."
I noticed Laswell was also here. "Something going on?" "Unfortunately, yes (L/n)." My playful banter disappears, "...Are we at war?" "General Shepard would be the first to know." Laswell butted in, "Damn right I would. Now that (L/n) is here. Talk to me."

Laswell pulled out her iPad and set it in front of Shepard. "We have a hit on Ghorbrani's second in command."
Shepard leans forwards and grasps the iPad, looking at the new target. "Hassan Zyani. Quds Force Major."
"He's taken up the mantle for Iran." Laswell continues, "Supplying terrorists.." I mumble.
"Money, weapons, intel."
"Well, he's ambitious." I cross my arms and lean to my right side. Laswell turns to me, "He's dangerous," she turns back to Shepard, "Sir, he wants retaliation for the Ghorbrani strike." She inhales a little shaky, "he's planning something.."
Shepard looks up at her, "We can't take him in Iran."
Laswell steps up to the desk where the iPad lay, she swipes the screen to the left. Where Hassan's known location currently is. "He's not in Iran, sir." Shepard holds the screen yet again, frowning, "He's on the ground in Al Mazrah." "What the hell is he doing in Al Mazrah?" I lean in to get a better view, "There is only one way to find out sir." Shepard and Laswell make eye contact. "Well, let's get him. I feel like a third wheel here."
Laswell rolled her eyes and looked back to Shepard, "Your call sir, when?"
Shepard pauses for a few seconds as if building up tension, "What time is it now?"
Laswell takes a few steps back and nods, "Who do we send?"
"Just to clear up my confusion, I'm going right?"

This is fucking great. I'll be amongst touch starved men. Who probably haven't seen a woman in months. Shit man I'm so not looking forward to this.


A tap on my shoulder turned to complete shaking of my shoulders. I woke up with a start and aimed my handgun at whoever woke me up. "What.." "Oh Shi- (L/n), put the gun down we're here." "Oh." I yawned and tucked my handgun back into the leg strap. Everyone started exiting the back of the military vehicle, not far stood a huge plane, which others were loading into. I jumped off after Sergeant Soap.

"Sergeant.." My head whipped around to see who the voice belonged to, my eyes widened as I scanned him, it was the Lieutenant. Known to many as Ghost. The man everyone try's to avoid in fear of being brutally murdered. No one knew what he looked like, he hides his face behind a skull  mask, under that he wears a skull balaclava to hide any excess skin. He even hides the skin around his eyes with black paint. He is dressed tactically from top to bottom. Not a single spot left un-weaponized. He stood at around 6'4. 

Soap stalked over to him. Ghost quite literally towered over everyone here, "Let's get ourselves a win yeah LT?" He lightly hits the taller man's shoulder.

I internally cried as his eyes flickered over to me. All that was shown were his eyes, his dark eyes that looked so devoid of emotion. One would say his eyes expresses more than his words. Pain, sorrow, and woe is all one would see. Then again, there was a bitter darkness to him. One that he is known for, that he is feared for. 

We held eye contact, and my legs began to shake I've never been so afraid of a man like I am now. His balaclava shifted slightly, giving me the impression that he was somewhat smirking under his mask. Was this amusing to him?
"Mm.. who might you be?"

His voice was one that demanded respect. Thank god I'm a lieutenant. 

"Lieutenant (L/n)."

He grunted, he looked over at Sergeant Soap. As if he was waiting for an explanation. Then back over at me. "No one told me there would be another Lieutenant. Don't think you have any power over me. I call the shots here." He stepped closer to me and stared me down, I wasn't going to back down though. 

Soap quickly interjected, "Anyways now that you two are introduced. Let's go, (L/n). We'll save you a seat sir."

Soap grabs my arm and drags me away from the intimidatingly hot man. As we were walking towards the plane I overhear his conversation with what sounded like Shepard.

"Fucking hell.."

"Ghost- do you copy?"
"Yes sir."

"Any issues?"
"Negative sir. Out here."

God his voice. Makes me feel something... it demands respect. 

Snap out of it (Y/n). You are an independent woman. Get it together. You cannot fall for a man who clearly CLEARLY doesn't want you.

But he's hot..

No buts. Get your ass in the plane.

After my internal argument, I sat down next to Soap. The lieutenant was the last to enter, he sat down in the row opposite of me. He leaned back, slightly manspreading and crossed his arms. I watched him as he adjusted himself. I looked back at his face to catch him already looking at me. I quickly look away, how embarrassing. His eyes burnt into my skin, in my peripheral vision I could see him continuously staring at me. I'd look back at him for a moment to see if he would break eye contact and look elsewhere. But he just stared. Throughout most of the plane ride.

No time to die // Simon (GHOST) Riley/ HAITUSWhere stories live. Discover now