Chapter 10

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"On me Soap."
Alejandro swiftly opens the door and rushes out. The three of us behind him.

"This is where they were hiding Hassan." It seemed like a normal neighborhood, but let's face it. Every location we're called to isn't normal. "Expect resistance."
"Todos los equipos, establezcan contención. preparación para el impecha."

Alejandro positioned himself beside the door of another house. "Go, Go!" His comrade shot at the handle and kicked the door in. Alejandro was the first to burst in and shoot it out with the cartels members. Soap went in second, helping out Alejandro in anyway he could.

"Clear! No Hassan."

"Dude. He might not be here anymore." I came in beside Soap. Everyone seemed to ignore me and continue the search.
"Second deck." Ghost suggested, "Si. Vamos. Let's move upstairs and get Hassan."
I moved into the kitchen because I was fucking hungry. There was nothing but stale cheese. My hopes and dreams were once again crushed by men.
"Holding at the stairs." Alejandro was positioned at the bottom of the stairs. Soap and him start working their way up. "Ok they have to be up here. If not I'll be leaving and be relaxing in a sauna for hours."
"(Y/n). Take this seriously. This is no time to be fucking around." Ghost says at an attempt to shut me up. "HAH. Poor choice of words, says the one that tried to fuck m-" He swiftly covers my mouth and looks back towards the stairs where Alejandro and Soap once were. Under the cover of fired shots, Ghost confronts me. "That. Was a mistake. It was a thing of the moment and now it's over. I regret that yes. But that won't happen again. Never mention that, you hear me? Never. Fucking. Mention. That. Because if you do. I will fucking kill You."

I nod. "Only if you pay me." My voice is muffled but he heard me. He scowls at me then he uncovers my mouth and heads up the stairs. Bitch.

Is he serious? He only did that for his own pleasure? He had no remorse? He clearly regretted doing that to me. He threatened to take my life over a simple mistake that is entirely his fucking fault?
If only he had some self control.

"If Hassan's here, he's in this room."
I hesitate to follow the others up the stairs but do so anyways. I'm paid to do this shit.
Soap stupidly peaks into the room and gets shot at. Thankfully the man is fast and hides behind the cover of the door.
He, at a distance, shoots back at the enemy.
"Move in. Secure the room, I'll cover."
Soap and I walk into the room. I'm immediately at the mercy of a RAPP H. Which is leaned up against the wall. "We have Hassan cornered. Get in there." Ghost ordered us from the doorway. Soap nodded and walked towards the closet. He threw it open and not to my surprise, there was no one in there. "Clear no Hassan."

"Todos los victors, edificio objetivo seguro. negativo por Hassan."
Ghost flips through a note book. Probably looking for any clues on where Hassan might be.
Alejandro stood by the window and sighed, "They must've moved him."
"When?" I asked him, already agitated at the fact I have to breathe the same air as a man who basically fucked me, now my day has gotten worse. Hassan keeps fucking moving around.
"Quds Force. That's his flag." Ghost points to a blue and yellow tapestry that hangs proudly off the wall.
"He was here."
"Alejandro's intel was good." Soap confirmed.
"¡Comandante! ¡El ejército está aquí!" Rodolfo yelled through the radio.
"A la verga-" Alejandro rushed to a nearby window. "What is it?" Soap asked him, unsure what he's looking for out the window.
"The army." Alejandro moved away from the window. I peaked out and military vehicles were coming our way.
"We got reinforcements."
"Negative. 0-3. Retrocedan ya."
"What're we doin?" I curiously asked him.
"Covering my men. Once they're clear, we fall back."
Soap looked over at Alejandro in surprise, "You want us to engage the fucking Mexican Army?"
"No carnal. These troops are paid by the cartel. They're helping the Cartel protect Hassan."
"I don't have time for this shit." I raise my sniper and aim at a driver. "Hold your fire." I look over at Alejandro, annoyed as fuck. "We'll dig in until my men are clear."
"Multiple vehicles.." Ghost observed the most obvious thing ever. "Troop Transports. Light-Armor."
The vehicles pulled to a stop and the troops inside began to pile out. "Hold fire. Let them get close."
I use my snipers scope to get a closer look. Then I'm face to face with a soldier. Who clearly sees me as well. "Awe fuck." I move out of the way just as soon as they start shooting at us. "Weapons fire!"

"It's time." I cock my gun and aim straight at these fuckers. "They're armored." I look at soap with a 'no fucking duh' face. "Target the helmets! They're weak!"

Passing between two huge windows I shoot as many soldiers as I possibly can. "They're using shields!" Ghost yelled loudly, almost directly into my ear. "Use grenades!"
Ghost nodded and threw grenades through the now broken windows. "Hang on-" I start reloading my gun again. "This guns actually really good." I look over at Soap who squats beside me shooting people. "But it takes a weekend to reload."
I yanked a grenade off of my vest and pulled the safety pin off, I tried to get a perfect angle of my chosen victim and threw it out the window. I hid behind the wall as it went off.

"Comandante! We're clear."
"Copiado. ¡Reunión en la casa de seguridad!"
Alejandro turned to look at us, "Okay. My men are clear."
"Then we need to move." Soap continued shooting soldiers to buy us more time.
"Fall back! This way!" The room was filled with smoke and the coughs of my comrades filled my ears. Alejandro was positioned in front of a window, he kicked it open and jumped out.
"HOLY SHI- he just jumped out. No warning or anything." Soap jumped out, I followed behind, the height wasn't that bad.
We ran behind a small stone barricade that extended around the town. The pathway behind it led down into the mountains.
"Army straight behind us!" Soap shouts and doesn't turn back, following behind Alejandro.
"Copiado. Moviendo."
"Down the hill! We'll lose them in the mountains! Fan out and stay close."

"Easier said than done."

No time to die // Simon (GHOST) Riley/ HAITUSWhere stories live. Discover now