Chapter 19

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"The data hacked from Hassan's phone in Mexico went through a cell tower off the coast of Spain. Hassan was communicating with someone there when we caught him. Signals track to a hatchery used by the cartel as a smuggling front. It's remote and on the water."

"Perfect to move illegal cargo."

"Including missiles."

"We need to get on the ground and see if the missiles are there. Imagery shows at least four structures and a lighthouse. We need eyes inside but it's heavily guarded by cartel."

"The high grass lends itself to concealment in the right gear."

"Ghillie suits."

"Exactly, I'll watch the coast for movement and provide exfil by boat."

"You shouldn't be alone out there, Kate. One is none."

"Three's already a crowd. We have no jurisdiction here, John. We roll low and slow. This is unauthorized recon by fire. We're off the books. I'll call you when I'm in position. Let's find these missiles before Hassan puts them in our backyard."

The next morning was nice and warm, of course Las Almas was typically always hot but today there was a nice breeze to even out the weather.

Everyone was sleeping in, the party lasted until Alejandro had gotten into a fight with another man, Los Vaqueros were cheering him on as others watched the entertainment of the night.

(Y/n) sat beside Ghost as he leaned up against the wall, chatting. Alejandro smiled at the sight of her, he was thinking about asking her to dance, perhaps ending his night with a kiss from her. "Ah, the things I would do to that woman." Alejandro slightly turned his head towards the voice, a man seated at a table was staring at (Y/n). "Go after her man. Don't worry about the guy, I'll handle him." His friend gave him a pat on the back and he stood up, fixing his shirt and walking in her direction. Alejandro waited until he got close enough to him to grab him by his collar and pull him in close. "Listen here, cabron, no one, and I mean no one, will be laying a hand on her. Not while I'm here."

The man only smirked, "Wouldn't be so sure about that puto."

Alejandro blinded by a fit of rage tackled the man down. Rodolfo, drunk and woozy, cheered him on, the rest of the Vaqueros joined him and circled around the two fighters.

(Y/n) didn't seem too worried about Alejandro, after all he's a great fighter. But of course she sent Ghost over to see what was going on. Which pretty much only resulted in him getting caught in the middle of it.

The sun's rays spilt into the room and filled the darkness fast. I didn't want to leave my bed. I was too comfortable to move, I could sleep the entire day away. Run away from my problems and put it on pause, just for a little while.

My thoughts slipped away as I fell back into a deep slumber.


Running for my life, ducking under cover and shooting whoever I saw. "Kermit, do you have eyes on the target?" I waited for the response of my teammate.


"I got eyes on him Sergeant (L/n). He's leaving the building."
I sighed, "Current location?"

"Above you."

I looked up just as my comrade dropped down beside me, he unhooked the grapple hook from his waist and cocked his weapon. "Let's go get this fucker."

"Vandal, Gemini, and Crow, meet us at the finish line."


Kermit and I pushed forwards, making our way towards the main target of our mission.

'Deirdre Kalaraja.' Is what they called him, he was known for being an arsonist. Before, he was once a soldier like us, but as he stuck his nose in places he shouldn't have been in, he entered the dangerous underground world of murderers, thiefs, tyrants, terrorists and narcos.

He was fascinated with fire, it had started out with smoking a cigar nearly everyday of his life. One day he took it too far and burned his own house down. His family was still inside, he had felt nothing for them I suppose. Listening to their screams of terror and his children crying out for their father hadn't bothered him one bit. He simply walked away from that part of his life, and started a new one. He joined a team of arsonists, and built up quite the reputation. General Shepard had sent us out here for a capture or kill mission.

Up ahead was a plane getting ready for takeoff, "He's trying to leave. Crow, Gemini, get atop those buildings. Make sure he doesn't leave."

"Sergeant watch out!" Kermit shoved us both out of the way and held an arm over me just as shots were fired in our direction. "I can hear you. I will find you. I will burn you."

"Ugh. Men."

Kermit frowned at me, "Hey."

"Not right now. I can better insult you when we're done. But right now, we focus on not getting shot or burned."

Cocking my weapon, I peek out from behind the cover of a broken down car and aim my gun at any guards Deirdre may still have. Kermit throws a grenade over me and we both get back behind cover.

My vision went black, after what seemed like minutes, my sight returned suddenly I was on the ground, beside Kermit.

"Kermit? KERMIT!" I sat up and smacked his cheek lightly, "Hey hey wake up. Wake up!" His eyes fluttered open and landed on me. "Hey Sergeant. We got him."

He was bleeding out, so I applied pressure to the wound. Blood seeped through my fingers. The corners of my eyes blurred, I blinked a few times to rid of them. "I'm sorry Kermit- I'm sorry Arthur. I'm sorry." He reached out and wrapped his hand around my wrist, "Hey.. it's okay- you did good Sergeant." I looked away, I couldn't bear seeing my teammate like this. He coughed a couple times before he brought my attention back to him. "(Y/n)."

I shook my head, "No. No no. Don't you fucking die on me Arthur. You are NOT going to die. They got Gemini and Crow, I can't lose you too. It's my fault. It's completely my fault." He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed my palm, keeping my hand in place.

"You'll be fine (Y/n)."

"No no no. Just stay alive until exfil arrives."

Arthur spurted out blood and coughed. "Don't let them take my dog tag."

I lightly laughed through the tears, "You and that fucking dog tag."

"I'm serious."

I nodded and exhaled shakily. "Okay."

His eyes took my bloodied, dirty self in for the last time. His smile faded away, and his hand fell limp on my own.


I heard my name being called, the voice faint but clear. "(Y/n).."



I opened my eyes slightly, a silhouette towered over me. A familiar face blurred my vision, hesitantly I spoke, "..Arthur?"

"Arthur? Who's Arthur?" My eyes flew wide open, Soap was the man towering over me. "Who? What? Wait.. what are we talking about?" Although I am a Lieutenant, that doesn't change the fact that I have goldfish memory.

"Someone named Arthur."

Almost instinctively, my hand went towards my neck, feeling the cold copper molded tag that went around my neck. "..Please. Never say that name again."

He stared down at me sadly, "I see. Another day then."

A silence took over the room. "What was it that you wanted to tell me?"

"Ah yes. I came down to tell you we have another mission."

What the fuck? How long had I been asleep?

No time to die // Simon (GHOST) Riley/ HAITUSWhere stories live. Discover now