Chapter 8

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"Hassan was taken back into Cartel protection in Las Almas. Mexican Special Forces confirmed. Hassan is moving something sizable towards the US. The cargo could be containers housing missiles. We don't know how many and we don't know the targets."
"To find out, we need to capture Hassan and bring him in for interrogation. We'll send Soap, Ghost and (L/n) to link up with the Mexican Special Forces in country along with all the manpower they need."
"We can't start a war in Mexico, General."
"Certainly not- I'll task Philip Graves and his shadow company PMCs to assist. Their rules of engagement can help us cut some red tape and get this done."
"Understood sir. Let's find Hassan."


After hours of sitting in a plane we finally land. You'd think it would be weird to sit next to someone you just got finger fucked by. But surprisingly it wasn't. Sadly he still hasn't paid me. Ever since he's partially fucked me the price has risen.

He hasn't talked to me or looked at me once after that little.. altercation happened. His sudden sexual outburst had me confused. Did he like me? Was he playing around? A cold-blooded man, feared by millions, tried to fuck me. Unbelievable.

The hanger doors opened and there stood the most attractive Mexican man I have ever seen. "Holy shit-"
"Alejandro!" Soap greeted him. "Sergeant MacTavish." They shook hands, Ghost and I stood behind Soap. I personally was excited to meet Alejandro. Mmm. I could eat that accent with a spoon. "Call me Soap." "Lieutenant.. Laswell says they call you Ghost." "Actually, I believe he prefers to be-" Ghost quickly interjected, "That'll do." Alejandro nodded and looked at me, "Ah. Lieutenant (L/n). You are more beautiful than they say. Pleasure to meet you." Oh sir yes sir. "Pleasure to meet you as well, Alejandro." I outstretched my hand to shake his, he grabbed it gently, raised it up to his lips and gave it a small kiss. He let go and I let it fall back beside me. "I am never washing this hand again." I mumble to myself. A couple chuckles were heard. But Ghost wasn't too happy with that.

His jealously feeds my utmost desire to fuck him. Probably feeds his as well. He could be eye fucking me right now. Just imagining the things he'd do to me when we get a chance to be alone again. I might be overthinking this.

"Welcome to the 'city of souls'." Alejandro continued and turned to walk away, we followed hastily. "I've never been to Mexico." Soap told him, "This isn't Mexico. This is Las Almas." "Shepard's contractors are inbound to reinforce. They're bringing hardware, they'll need room." Ghost mentioned, not taking his eyes off of Alejandro. "My base is your base." Alejandro stated. "Good. Now where's Hassan?" Not Ghost getting straight to the point.
"Cartel safe-house, ten clicks from here." He led us straight to a black jeep, "get in." As we got in Alejandro turned to look at his men, "Vamos. Muévanse!"

Soap got a window seat, I'm jealous. I sat in the middle. Literally being crushed by two men. "This is my second in command. Sergeant Major Rodolfo Parra." Alejandro introduced the driver, who looked back at us. He then looked back at Alejandro, "Tengo miedo de los fantasmas." Alejandro lightly chuckled and looked back at us, "You know Spanish?" Ghost ignored the question. I slowly nodded. I'm literally the Lieutenant, I'm required to learn different languages. "No." Soap answered, Alejandro turned back to the front, "You will.."

Soap suddenly turned to me, "That reminds me.. you didn't show up to watch the movie. Something wrong happen?"
I felt Ghost tense up beside me, "Quite the contrary."
And I left it at that.

Driving through the streets of Las Almas, it wasn't very crowded. A truck passed by carrying men with weapons in the back. Soap noticed that as well, "White truck, four armed in the back." He reached to grab his gun, "Hey- tranquiló. Easy- that's normal here. Guns on the street is jurisdiction of the police." "Where are the police?" Ghost interrupted him, "Well, Las Almas has a very serious problem. There are few here to uphold the law. And many of those who resist corruption, disappear."

Soap eyes Alejandro, "What about the military?"
"Well, because we are well trained, soldiers are recruited by the narcos." "Why not you?" I curiously asked him. "We grew up here. They call us Los Vaqueros.. Cowboys. We love this place." He turned back to us, "And we will die fighting for it." Loyalty to their birthplace. That's a lovely thing.

We passed by men wearing masks that looked similar to Ghosts. They were walking around, guns in their grasps. Soap sighed and looked at Ghost, "Kids, guns and balloons... that's a new one." I looked up at Ghost as well. His expression, was meme worthy. "Narcos use generosity to win over the people." "Even the children?" Soap asked. "Especially the children."

We slowed down next to a literal crime scene. Out in the open. Anyone could see it. Their bodies had sheets thrown over them, and there was writing all over it. "Whats on those sheets?" Soap read my mind. Alejandro rolled down his window to look at the bodies. "Narcomantes." "Cartel cloths." Rodolfo told us, "Messages from El Sin Nombre. Warnings, marking territory. Out streets are laced with death." The car pulled forwards, moving away from the scene.
"Who's Sin Nombre?" Ghost asked him, "El Sin Nombre.. The Nameless.. The leader of the Las Almas cartel." "Where can we find him?" Soap put forwards the question everyone wants to know. "You can't. No one knows who he is." We crossed paths with a wall marked with 'El Sin Nombre.' Flowers and a biblical woman were painted on it. "But he is everywhere. And this is a challenge.." He and Rodolfo looked at each other, he then chuckled, "But Los Vaqueros like challenges."

Rodolfo looked at Ghost through the rear view mirror, "With your mask, you will fit in well here. Ghost." Soap motioned Rodolfo to cut it out. "Hey cálmate." Alejandro warned Rodolfo, Ghost was sensitive about his mask. He didn't like talking about it. Up ahead were military vehicles parked, checking cars that passed by. "Checkpoint. It's the army. Turn right, we'll go around." Rodolfo nodded and turned right into the passage between houses. "Why?" I asked him. "Some troops are in the pocket of El Sin Nombre. Like I told you, he is everywhere. Cartel is hiding Hassan in the village across the river. Let's hope he's still there."

I'm a sleeper. So on the rest of the way, I fell asleep on Soaps arm. Sure he had his armor shit on. But I couldn't give a fuck. I was tired. I hadn't gotten enough sleep last night because well.. yeah..

Soap shook me awake, "WHAT-" I grabbed my handgun out from my leg strap and pointed it at him. He quickly put his hands up. "SOAP- stop- fucking doing that. Do that again and I'll just shoot you. Let a bitch sleep. Goddamn." I put the gun back into the strap and stretch. Soap awkwardly laughed, "Well uh- (Y/n), we're here." "Really?" I looked around. We had parked just outside of a town. Can't wait to battle it out with Hassan. I totally love being in the military. Note the sarcasm.

No time to die // Simon (GHOST) Riley/ HAITUSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora