Chapter 15

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"Hook, line, and fuckin' sinker! That's what I'm talking about, Shadows. You know I love that shit! Comms, get me the General."


"Graves, Actual, make my day."

"We got him. Escorting back to base as we speak."

"Make it quick, we can't hold him for long."

"Roger that."


Rodolfo stopped the car a few ways away from a gas station where clearly there were people, our buddies above noticed our cease of movement.

"All stations, what's the hold up down there?"

Alejandro immediately answered, "Shadow-1, there's movement at the fuel station ahead. Possible cartel. Roping now."

"Copy. We'll recon the area. Be ready to move. TV, get a visual on that gas station, pronto."

Oh great, just what we need. Another fight.

I cocked my weapon just in case. I shifted slightly as I grew uncomfortable, Ghosts grip on my waist tightened.

His hands are so- No. Don't even think about him. I know he's a hot masked man. But FOCUS. You're a lieutenant, you're a part of Task Force 1-4-1. It's made up of the most essential and well-trained soldiers. I shouldn't be worked up over a small crush on a co-worker.. Or over what he did back at the base... Now that.. that's questionable.

Everyone is on the edge of their seats, waiting for an update to continue ahead with the extraction. "Multiple unknowns in the area." "Scan for weapons. See if any cartel's looking for trouble." "No visual on weapons." "More unknowns, south of the gas station." I could feel the tension level in the vehicle, I was feeling nervous about this next part. "Looks like a market." Oh. Maybe no shoot out then.

"A-firm. Overlay-10 set." "Any signs of hostile intent?" "Negative. From what we can see, it's clear."

Oh, thank fuck.

"Let's get this show on the road. All stations, no visible threats in the area. You are clear to proceed."

"Shadow-1 copy that. We're moving. Rodolfo, adelante."

Rodolfo nodded and started up the car again, "All shadows, ground team is mobile. Keep'em covered."

Something tells me that this isn't gonna go well. "Uh, there's an individual crossing the road.."

"What's the fucks he doing?"

"Maybe we can scare him away- Roll down the window.." I grabbed out a weapon, "hold on to me Ghost." His hands found my waist and I nodded at Rodolfo, with a click the window rolled down.
I stuck out to where most of my body basically stuck out, "HEY! MOVE OUT OF THE WAY! SI NO TE MUEVES TE VOY A MATAR!" He wasn't budging.

"Shadow-1 we may have a situation here." Soap caught on to what was currently happening, "Quitate de mi camino!" Rodolfo practically yelled at the individual in front of us, "Rodealo! Rodealo! Go around!" Rodolfo swerved around them and Ghost pulled me back into him. "Well- that just happened-" Just as we thought we were in the clear, a red vehicle headed straight for us, "Oh. Shit."

Ghost caught notice of this and wrapped both his arms around me. Sigh. At least I'll die in the arms of a big strong man.

"On the right!-"

It felt like the air was pulled straight out of me when the car crashed straight into us, causing the car to flip once or twice onto its back.

"Friendly vehicle is hit! They're down in the intersection."

No time to die // Simon (GHOST) Riley/ HAITUSWhere stories live. Discover now