Chapter 9

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"Team leaders, circle up on me." Alejandro instructed, "Copy, Colonel." Rodolfo responded.
"Weapons hot, Vaqueros."
Alejandro walked towards us as we got out of the vehicle, "Where are they holding Hassan?" Soap asked him, "White two-story building. Back of town."
Alejandro and his second in command bumped fists and began walking towards the town. We followed closely behind.
We positioned ourselves right outside of a gate, "Todos Victors, están listo.. 3, 2, 1- Entra! Entra!"
We forced ourselves in and surprisingly there were no guards on the inside. We quietly made our way towards the center of the town. "Clear. Muéven."
Soap looked around, "Civilians?"
"Gone. Cartel took over. It's a hideout now." Alejandro confirmed.
"Good place to keep Hassan." I pointed out the obvious.
Multiple voices were heard coming from beyond the second gate. "Next gate, Soap."
Although I wasn't fluent in Spanish, I could tell what they were saying. Warning others that we're on the road and that we're coming to get them. They're completely true.
Ghost and Alejandro positioned themselves on each side of the gate, ready to break in.
Ghost forced the gate in just as Alejandro made the call to move. A shot or two were fired, "Contactó, muévanse." Everyone stormed in ready to kick some Cartel ass.
Only a few men stood at the gates. So they were easily killed.
"They're down. Push up."
From far away there were more members of the cartel running to join the fight. They'd piled up in a house and spread out. The first guy to get taken down by me was literally standing at an angle where I could easily snipe him.
Easy target.

I move up while reloading my weapon. Alejandro's team and my own follow behind. Thats right follow my lead. My rank surpasses all you bitches. Well.. most.

I know there's someone right around the corner. So I peak out with my weapon at a side angle and shoot it right at the enemies face. He is thrown backwards and hits his head rather harshly. Shit, good thing he wasn't alive to feel that.

I step out slowly, I know there is another one somewhere behind those barrels and small concrete barriers. Shit I was right, there was a guy right behind the wall. Without thought I took that shot. "Whoo. Almost didn't see him."

I stepped into the house beside me to look for others. Just a few dead bodies lying on the ground. Never mind then.

My teammates were up ahead by the time I got out. Many men were yelling at each other in Spanish. Mostly yelling warnings and expressing anger. Couldn't care less.

Shit shit shit. There were even more coming at us when I shot that one guy. Soap helped me out a lot when he threw the grenade at them. "Thanks Bud." I exclaimed and he nodded in return.
"Secure this house, then we go for Hassan." Alejandro instructed us.
"Cartel will move him fast." Ghost pointed out.
"Then we move faster." Alejandro listened into the conversation going on in the building we were about to invade, "Heads up they're ready."
Soap was ahead of me he tried to open it by simply turning the knob. "Take the door."
Soap kicked it in and threw a grenade inside.
Nobody was hurt. Sadly. Soap crept towards the hallway, "Muere, hijo de la chi-" the man would never be able to finish his sentence as Soap immediately fucked him up.
"Doorway, right side. Hassan could be anywhere.."
Soap continued forwards, Me behind him I checked every room that was connected to the hallway. Nothing important here. As we neared the end of the hallway, I raised my gun up as a bullet grazed my cheek. "Oh FUCK-" I aimed my gun at the last door and rained hell upon the shooter. They literally didn't get hit as they jumped out and onto my back, I was quick to react and slammed him against the wall repeatedly. His hands went to cover my mouth, but like a boss bitch I bit the absolute shit out of them. You'd wonder if you'd be able to bite them off like a carrot. Well now I know.
I flipped him over my back and he landed harshly on the ground.
"Hijo de puta! Eres loca!" He held onto his severed fingers. Soap then shot him directly in the forehead.

My cheek stung like a bitch. But I'm no pussy. And I pushed through the pain. "You alright  (L/n)?" "Affirmative Soap. Keep going." He nodded, "Room clear." "Good tactics, Hermana.." Alejandro complimented, "you fight like a víbora." Alejandro thought to himself for a second, "Víbora. That should be your callsign." "Vibora?" Soap said it in the most non-Spanish way. Which made it funny.
"That's a possible callsign now." I've never really had the chance to come up with a call sign. Any idea I'd have was... quite stupid or already taken.

I had one in mind, 'Raider'. But would that seem like a stupid callsign? I'm not sure.
"No sign of Hassan." Ghost interjected, bringing us all back to the fight we were in the middle of.
"Not yet." Alejandro told him.
Soap pulled out another grenade and threw it into the next room. I opened the door beside me, where that guy came out of and jumped onto me. It's a babies room. I was about to walk out when I looked at the ground, "Wait- is that a 50?" I inspect the .50 GS that laid on the ground. "Oh my shit."
Who in their right mind would leave that in a child's room.
"Clear." Soap was already in the next room.
"What happened to the families here?"
He neared the door that led to the outside.
"The cartel brings violence. So they leave. Get ready to move."

Soap unlocked the door, everyone prepared to have a shoot out with the rest of the Cartel. Alejandro moved his hand over the handle of the door, "Stand by..." he kneels down and clicks the side of his comlink, "Victor-2, esto es 1-1. Deploy smoke. Estamos moviendo al exterior." "Copiado. Smoke out."

"Where's your family, Alejandro?" I ask curiously, he looks over at me. "I keep that a secret, hermana. To protect them."

"We have concealment." Ghost advised us.

"Let's move."

No time to die // Simon (GHOST) Riley/ HAITUSWhere stories live. Discover now