Chapter 4

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"Where's that sniper at?" I ask myself as I aim the weapon in every direction of the building. "Who's hit?" "7-5 is down." "How the fuck are they seeing us?" "AQ's got night vision! We're sitting ducks out here." I suppressed a yell, "Can you guys shut the fuck up Im TRYING to concentrate and you all are making it difficult. I'm trying to get a clear sight." I shift around the dirt and grass. Near the antenna of the building. Gotcha.
"Sniper down."
With that said, everyone moved up. "More snipers on the roof, take them out."

"This is a job for-" "Soap." He elegantly posed pointing his sniper up. "(Y/n)." I pointed my sniper to the right. "Get to work the two of yo-" A bullet shot through a small decorative hat that I loved to put on top of my helmet that I watched it as it landed on the ground. Soap, Ghost and I looked at the hat, then at each other. "Fucking hell with you two."
"My hat-"
"MacTavish, (L/n) get down."
Soap and I get back down on our stomachs and aim for the snipers. "Sergeant, take that sniper out." One by one they fall. "Got another." "Good shots. Keep us covered, we're moving up."
Multiple shots fired again."AQ's pressing hard— if Hassan's not here, then what the hell is?" "His se-" "Don't finish that. Forget I asked."

"We're getting chewed up out here! We're not getting through here without air support."
"7-6! I want fire on that building now!" Damn.. Ghost sounded so hot when he's giving out commands. Bitch stop you're literally in the middle of a shoot out.

"Ghost we don't know if Hassan's in there." Soap answered, "They're forcing our hand! 7-6, hit that building. But don't level it." "Kilo 0-1. Call for fire. Target is in the building ahead of us. Do not level the building."

"Didn't I just take them out?" I mumble to myself as I shoot Hassan's men again through the same damn window I shot at before.

"7-6, copy that making our run." Reloading my sniper, I aim yet again to the building in front. Christ how many more men do I have to kill to finish this mission?

A helicopter sounded above us. "Force up to that wall. Move!" Everybody ran, despite us getting shot at and being outnumbered. We ran towards that damn wall.

The helicopter above us shot at his men. "Yeah.. get some."  They then shot a missile at the machine gun that stood in front of the building. "That's a glorious sight." I removed the night vision goggle shit off of my head. I could see fairly well. I use the scope of my sniper to check out if there are any living survivors. Another missile was shot into another one of the machine guns. "Well shit." "Thank Christ for air support."

"Yeah! Hope Hassan's still in one piece."
"Several pieces will do.." Ghost mumbled, "easier to find that way. All Bravo, move up. I want this building locked down."

We all ran towards the front door. "Lead us in Sergeant." Soap nodded, "let's find Hassan. Dead or Alive." I stood by the door on the right side, opposite of Ghost. "7-1, moving interior."

Soap moved in stealthy. Weapon pointed up at an angle. Out of literally fucking nowhere an AQ soldier yelled and aimed his gun at Soap. "BACK UP." Soap was trained well, he shot him multiple times before he let him fall to the ground.

He throws a grenade into the next room. Making sure there isn't anyone in there.
"Check the bodies. We need positive ID on Hassan."

Soap ventured further into the building. Shots were heard. "Anyone have eyes on Hassan?" "Negative on Hassan." Soap replied. "Negative, no eyes on the HVT." "Negative. No visual on Hassan here." Multiple voices crowded the Comlink. No Hassan.

"Threat eliminated." Shit I hadn't even noticed Soap almost getting killed. "Heading in to the first deck."
I grew bored. Nothing was really happening. Although, I should be happy. I set my heavy ass sniper down against the wall and stretched. "Be on alert Lieutenant. No time to let your guard down." I rolled my eyes. "Whatever you say."

His eyes burned through the back of my head.
Pshh. Can't intimidate me. Fucking Brit.

"Nope, that's not him." I jumped a little forgetting about Soap for a second. Alpha had entered the building to join Soap. "Not him."
"Pushing, first deck." I pulled down the headgear and activated NightVision again. We all entered the building after Ghost. "-and I am here to declare revenge for the killing of General Ghorbrani." A voice came from upstairs.
"Heading up to the second deck."
Ghost clicked the comlink alerting everyone about our whereabouts. "Pushing to second deck."
"The west must pay for a century of hostile acts against us. Together we will avenge the death of General Ghorbrani." Shit. Is that the recording again?
Walking up the stairs behind Ghost I slightly bumped into him, I never noticed that he slowed down. "Shit sorry Lieutenant."
He simply grunted in response.
"We will have revenge for the death of our General! If the world courts do not punish these war criminals, we will take matters into our own hands at the time and place of our choosing."

Ghost was ahead of me and hid behind the door, an unsuspecting enemy soldier opened the door and the poor chap was grabbed by Ghost, shoved against the wall, and shot twice. Once in the stomach and once in the head. Ghost quickly put his weapon away in his leg strap and pulled out another weapon of his choosing.

If only it were me he pushed up against the wall... snap out of it (Y/n). This is getting ridiculous.

Ghost moved into the room, I followed close behind. The room was torn down. Too bad this couldn't have been In modern homes or something. "If we must, we will retaliate." Hassan's voice continued. "Got two X-rays."
"We hold his soldiers and generals directly responsible for assassinating General Ghorbrani." "Not Hassan." An enemy soldier limped against the desk, "Dump 'em."
I looked at Soap, "We should show some mercy no?" He looked at me in surprise, "Nah I'm just playing." I turn back around and shoot the soldier in the head. "Our brave general was executed by the West." "Clear." "Hassan's fucking everywhere." Ghost stood beside me, looking at the laptop which broadcasted Hassan's speech. "Everywhere but here."
His speech continued. I turned around to walk out of the room. Ghost followed shortly after.

The others were positioned right outside the door, aiming their guns at the half destroyed rest of the building.

I peak over to see what they were looking at. A bullet shot right at me. Ghost grabbed me by the side of my neck collar, and held my body against his. He shot back at the soldier. Successfully.

"You should watch where you stick your head."
He let go of me and moved forwards.

Prick. I'm thankful, but he's a prick. A pain in the ass sometimes.

"Scratch one hostile."

Everyone else followed behind him, I joined them. Letting him have his leader moment for now.

I went ahead and explored other rooms. Making sure to not jump in and get my head blasted off. I reload my gun and realize I literally did what I wasn't supposed to do. I walked into a room without checking for enemies and was shot at. "OH FOR FUCKS SAKE." I wasn't gonna scream for help because that's a pussy action. My good arm was now damaged. I hid behind the wall and switched my gun over to my left hand. Is this bitch in the vents?
I mustered up some courage and bit my lip, I jumped out and shot in the direction of the vent. No shots were fired back.

Holy shit.

I head into the room again. "It's too quiet. I don't like this." I say to myself.
I turn the corner and there's the shooter, laying on the ground, dead. "Oh this bitch was tryna be sneaky huh." I kicked him, seeing if that would make me feel better. It didn't. "This fucking guy." I walked around trying to see if there could be something useful. Nothing. I walk back out. "What happened to your arm?" Soap walked towards me, I look at my wound unfazed, and I muster up my best British accent, "Tis but a scratch."

No time to die // Simon (GHOST) Riley/ HAITUSWhere stories live. Discover now