Chapter 11

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"La misma ruta?"
Oh to be in a sauna full of warm steamy water. Not being shot at by the Mexican Army. A dream. A fantasy. That unfortunately, isn't real.

Running down the mountain, I thought to myself.
Maybe it wasn't a good idea to join the military. I can't die yet. I haven't even had dick yet.

"Straight to the bridge."
Alejandro led us further down the mountain. The army following hastily.
Shots were fired at us. Well, of course they'd shoot at us regardless if it hit one of us or not. "Rodriguez!" I was so cooped up in my thoughts I hadn't noticed a soldier in front of us getting shot straight in the back. "Army's on us!" Soap literally yelled out the fucking most obvious thing ever. "No really? I thought they went back home." I told him in the most sarcastic tone I could muster.
Alejandro scurried near Rodriguez's fallen body and dragged it behind a boulder, where he and Soap hid. Shooting at the enemies above. "Cover! Cover!"
Ghost and I hid behind opposite trees. "Get to cover and return fire." I aimed up and shot at the tree line. Hopefully I snagged one of those fuckers.
"¿Dónde te golpeaste, carnal?"
"Peile chaleco, estoy bien."

Good to know he's fine. The bullet proof vest protected him. Thank god for that.
"Engaging!" Ghost yelled out as he shot over and over again at the opposing team.
I moved towards another boulder and hid behind it, throwing a grenade or two over it like I'm catching Pokémon.
"Shit- Sanchez is down!"

Using my trusty sniper scope, I stooped low and shot whatever person I possibly could. Every corner of every boulder, and tree they were there. They were everywhere.
After a few seconds of complete silence, "Are we clear?" Soap asked aloud, looking between Ghost and Me.
"For now. We gotta move! Go!" Rodriguez picked himself off the floor and started running down the hill. He was being way too dramatic if he could run just like that.

The rest of us, that were alive, followed swiftly behind him. "You know these trails?" I asked Alejandro, "Very well, but so does the army.."
"We can't hold off an army. We need extraction."
"Oh yes please. We can't run from the army for long." I just had to input my own opinion because why not.

"Rodriguez, Convocatoria de extracción."
"Si, comandante."

As we twisted and turned on our way down the mountain. I was surprised that I haven't broken my legs jumping off of small 7-8 feet tall cliffs.
As soon as we ran down the second small cliff a soldier in front of me was shot in the back. Specs of blood splattered around my face. "SHIT- I just had this mask washed!" I wore a mask during missions to conceal my identity. Many others do the same. My mask, unlike Ghost, only covers my mouth and nose. Everything else is on display.


"All guns, hold here- take cover!"
I hid behind another boulder and shot back as much as I could. Bullets zoomed past me, just inches from my head.
"Si, Colonel."

"Ghost. Soap. (Y/n)— Get behind the rocks."
Not like I already wasn't.
"We suppress by fire, then we advance. Disparen! Light them up-!" He turned to look at Rodriguez, "Rodriguez. Get comms up."

"Control, Victor-1, solicita extracción inmediata en fuente del río de las almas, ¿cómo copiar?"
As I reloaded my weapon I rushed back behind a boulder more further down the mountain. "Fuck fuck fuck-"
"¿Control copia usted?"
A bullet flew directly at my face, "Awe fuck-" I was  pulled down by my collar and held against the body of another person.
"You have a death wish or something?" Mmm- that Spanish accent. I looked up at Alejandro, "Maybe." I winked at him. My attempt at flirting is horrendous. I can't bag any bitches.

"You know. Maybe when this is over. I could take you out to dinner." I throw a grenade over the boulder and look back at Alejandro, "Hmm. That's all gonna depend on where you plan on taking me-"
"That'll do, have the two of you forgotten where we are?" Ghosts voice sounded over the com link, he seemed almost annoyed, "we clear?"
"For now, they'll be more. Vamos." Alejandro picked himself up off the ground and made his way down to his comrades, "Algún noticia de Rodolfo?"
"No- perdimos comunicación."
"Puta.. let's keep it moving. Through here." We were led further down the mountain. Through a pathway. "The mountains blocking comms."
"Your man get the call out?" Ghost asked him, I have no idea where the fuck he went. He disappears every few minutes. "Let's hope so."

"What's the plan?" Soap had asked him just as an explosion sounded, "Theres a bridge at the river. Extraction will be there."
"And if it isn't?" At this point I could tell Ghost was pissed at him.

A few feet away from us a an explosion went off, "Contact! RPG!"
"Army on the ridgelina!"

Everyone went to hide behind either trees or boulders for cover. "You've got to be kidding me."
I shot directly at another soldier and he shot right back at me, an explosion went off right in front of the boulder I was hiding behind.
My vision was blurring, and I felt woozy.
"My fucking god-"
I pushed through the pain and continued to shoot at the enemy.
I watched another RPG shoot it's explosive ammo almost nearly beside me. "Fuck that's close-" I decided to run behind the safety of another boulder more further down.

After what seemed like minutes of intense shootings, I crouched down low and reloaded my weapon. "Last mag!"
"I have ammo here!" Thank god for Alejandro.

"Anyone hit?"
"Good to go!"
"I'd very much like to leave now." I replied to the others.
"Copy, on me."
We followed behind Alejandro once again, running down the mountain. "We have to jump here!" "Can we make that?" Soap looked over the cliff. It was broken up into many single parts. We had to jump 15-25 feet to get to the next chunk of land.
"Hasta la muerte. Hermano."
Alejandro was the first to jump. The others followed behind quickly. I was hesitant due to my small fear of heights, but anything to not die a virgin.
As soon as I jumped and hit the other chunk of floating earth, I slid down onto another and continued running.
"Pinche cabrones aren't far behind."
"Where to, Alejandro?" Soap was right behind Alejandro, "Soap push forward. Rodriguez keep working the radio, rest o' you watch for snipers."
Soap nodded and went ahead, jumping gracefully between the sides of the cliff. "Use that ledge. There will be a way up the mountain." While Soap climbed higher and did what he was instructed to do, I was on the lookout for snipers. "Rodriguez, ¿Alguna señal de radio?" "Negativo."
"We need to get to the river.."
Soaps voice sounded from the radio, sounding relieved, "Found it."
"Escucha.. you hear that?"

"Incoming heli."

No time to die // Simon (GHOST) Riley/ HAITUSKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat