Chapter 5

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Worry laced Soaps face. "I'm fine. I'm a strong independent woman." I hold up my arm in the position to flex. I tightened my brows because of how fucking much it hurt to do that. Flexing is pain now. Shit.
Not me hurting myself. Tsk. Embarrassing. I ripped a piece of my uniform off to tie around the wound. That's somewhat better.
"I'll.. check the next room." Soap mutters, I simply nod and stick back.
Soap stands behind Cpl. George, who was guarding the side of the door waiting for someone with a higher power to enter the room. Pussy.

Soap moves in and immediately shoots an enemy. Shit, he was right fucking there.
"X-ray down." He moves in further and more shots are fired. "He was here. This is a bloody, ops-center..." Ghosts voice fills the quietness, "poke around, Soap."

"Lt (L/n) come in." Soap states. I'll let it slide just because I'm wounded and can't murder his ass with a broken arm. Fucking- giving me orders. Pshh.

Soap shows me the papers on the desk. My eyes search the room. "Look." I tell Soap, his eyes following where mines are planted. "Hassan's uniform." "So he was here."
"Lost him when we secured the crash site."
I jumped and grimaced. "Ghost your fucking mask scared me. Holy fuck." I let out a pathetic fucking whine as my arm aches in pain. He had gotten closer to me and grabbed my wrist. "Don't.. talk about my mask.." he was trying to intimidate me. I wasn't having that. But at the same time, I didn't want to start a fight. "Yes sir. Won't happen again sir." I sneered. "Good girl."

Good girl? What was he playing at?

He twisted my arm to face him to get a better view of my wound. "What the fuck are you doin-" "Shut up." He inspected my wound. "Shit (L/n), this could get infected if not treated soon." I moved my arm away from him, "So?" He stared at me blankly, "Fine then. Let it get infected for all I care."
Soap butted in, "Wait- are you saying' we shouldn't have helped?" He was referring back to what Ghost had previously stated.
He turned his attention back to Soap, "Choices have consequences..."
A voice sounded from our Comlinks, "All Bravo- we got movement out here." "On the way." Ghost turned and walked out the door, he pulled out his gun and quickly went into stealth mode. "All Bravo, circle up outside." He commanded. "If Hassan's gone, then what the hell are they still protecting?" "Bloody good question.." "I told you, they're protecting his se-" "Respectfully, shut up LT."


We all ran back down the stairs, and back out of the building. We crossed the surprisingly stable water fountain, "Its a little too quiet."

I noticed the others coming to regroup right out front. "We're Oscar Mike. What do we got?" Ghost requested.

"A warehouse. Roll up door's open. Heard somethin' inside..." We all rushed towards the warehouse, "Copy lets clear it."

One by one we entered and suddenly the lights were turned on. What the fuck? Was this an ambush? "Contact!" Ghost hid behind a container. An enemy soldier had a clear view of me, he was aiming for me when Ghost grabbed my waist and pulled me up against his chest again, "SON OF A-" He covered my mouth. "Stay quiet, or I'll let them have at you." This fucking sicko.

Soap had came in and noticed me and Ghost hiding behind a container. "What are you two doing?" "Nothing. Sergeant Soap." I say, attempting to free myself of Ghosts grasp. I hit him with my free uninjured arm and he groans. "Stop fucking moving. Let the soldiers do their work." Another enemy soldier was on top of the container we hid behind, he aimed for Ghost. Quickly within a blink of an eye he dropped down and Ghost had put his gun back into his leg strap. "We have ourselves covered."

Show off.

Soap nodded and pushed forwards. I look up at Ghost. "Let go of me. I am perfectly capable of protecting myself." He scoffed, "That's not what that bleeding wound in your arm says." I've ignored the pain so far, but it's started to get to my head. "If you don't let go of me Lieutenant Ghost, I will murder you in your sleep."

We stared each other down, and he finally let me go. "Ugh. Men." I dust myself off of whatever dirt he left on me.

"We clear?" "All clear." Soap responded. "Search it. Let's find what they were hiding.." he moved out from behind and walked around the warehouse, as did I. "This warehouse wasn't on the intel."

Soap walked over to another container, opening it he was surprised to find what was inside. "What the fuck is this?" Ghost approached Soap, "Its all in English."

Soap pulled on a lever, a machine was heard clicking and they both stepped backwards to see what exactly was going on. "Steamin' Jesus.."

"Ballistic Missiles." Ghost revealed. Everyone looks at him, their faces clearly saying, 'No fucking way.'

"It's a mobile launcher." Soap announced, looking between Ghost and I.

"There'll go 1,000 miles." Bravo 7-6 implied, "at least.."

I turned the corner and walked to the side of the container. "How the hell did Iran get their hands on this?" I was pissed. How could anyone let this shit happen? "7-6 get us through to Laswell." Ghost ordered. "Roger, stand by.. Bravo 7-6 Charlie to Watcher-1, how copy?"

I climbed the many cases full of illegal products to see if I could find a logo or something that tells us where the fuck these came from.

"This is watcher-1, send traffic."
Ghost followed behind along with Soap.
"Laswell, this is Ghost, we got something."
"Tell me you found Hassan." She sounded somewhat like she had her hopes up.
Oh shit.. "Ghost, take a look at this."
He looked up at me. I moved to the side, to let him see where this container came from. It came from fucking America. The colorless flag painted proudly on the side. What a joke. Ghost remained staring at the flag.
"Ghost, do you have Hassan?" Laswell repeated. He clicked the side of the com, "Negative. We found a weapons cache. Hassan's got missiles.. they're American."
"0-7– This is Gold Eagle Actual." Shepards voice filled the quiet room, "repeat your last.."
"I'll say again- Hassan has American missiles."

No time to die // Simon (GHOST) Riley/ HAITUSWhere stories live. Discover now